
Aside from Tags, Lucee Server provides you with a huge number of built in functions, over 650 of them in fact!

Use the A-Z index below to browse the entire index of built in Lucee functions.

Functions can be called with a struct containing the arguments using argumentCollection, Tags use attributeCollection

args = { file="myLog", text="argumentCollection is handy" };
Abs() Absolute-value function. The absolute value of a number is the number without its sign.
ACos() Returns the angle whose cosine is the value passed as the argument.
AddSOAPRequestHeader() Adds a SOAP header to a web service request before making the request.
AddSOAPResponseHeader() Adds a SOAP response header to a web service response. Call only from within a CFC web service function that is processing a request as a SOAP web service.
AjaxOnLoad() Causes the specified JavaScript function to run when the page loads.
ApplicationPathCacheClear() flush the application.[cfc|cfm] path cache
ApplicationStartTime() Provides information about the time when the current application scope was created.
ApplicationStop() stops the current application context
Array() Creates a new array
ArrayAppend() Appends an array element to an array.
ArrayAvg() Calculates the average of the values in an array. All elements in the array must contain values that can be automatically converted to numeric.
ArrayClear() Removes all elements from an array.
ArrayContains() Returns the position of the first element in the array that matches the item that we are searching for, or 0 if the item is not found.
ArrayContainsNoCase() Returns the position of the first element in the array whose string value contains the substring passed (not case sensitive), or 0 if no such element is found.
ArrayDelete() Deletes specified object from given array
ArrayDeleteAt() Deletes an element from an array and resizes the array so that the deleted element doesn't leave a gap.
ArrayDeleteNoCase() Deletes specified object from given array, in case of a string the case of the string does not matter.
ArrayEach() call the given UDF/Closure with every value in the array.
ArrayEvery() This function calls a given closure/function with every element in a given array and returns true, if all of the closure calls returns true.
ArrayFilter() This function creates a new Array that returns all the values from an array that match the given filter.
ArrayFind() These functions searches the array for the specified object.
ArrayFindAll() These functions searches the array for the specified object and return the positions of all occurrence of this values.
ArrayFindAllNoCase() These functions searches the array for the specified object and return the positions of all occurrence of this values.
ArrayFindNoCase() These functions performs a case-insensitive search in the array for the specified object.
ArrayFirst() Returns the first item from an array. Throws an error if the array is empty.
ArrayIndexExists() Returns whether there exists an item in the array at the selected index.
ArrayInsertAt() Inserts a value at the specified position in the array. If the element is inserted before the end of the array, Lucee shifts the positions of all elements with a higher index to make room.
ArrayIsDefined() Returns whether there exists an item in the array at the selected index.
ArrayIsEmpty() Determines if the array is empty.
ArrayLast() Returns the last element of an array
ArrayLen() Returns the length of a given array
ArrayMap() Calls the given closure with every element in the given array. the function returns an array that contains all values returned by the closure.
ArrayMax() Returns the largest numeric value in an array. If the array parameter value is an empty array, returns zero. All elements must contain values that can be automatically converted to numeric values.
ArrayMedian() Calculates the Median value of items in an array.
ArrayMerge() This function creates a new array with data from the two passed arrays. To add all the data from one array into another without creating a new array see the built in function ArrayAppend(arr1, arr2, true).
ArrayMid() Extracts a sub array from an array.
ArrayMin() Returns the smallest numeric value in an array. If the array parameter value is an empty array, returns zero. All elements must contain values that can be automatically converted to numeric values.
ArrayNew() create a new array
ArrayPop() pops the last element from an array. In case the array is empty an exception is thrown, unless the second argument "defaultValue" is provided, in that case that value is returned.
ArrayPrepend() Inserts an array element at the beginning of an array and shifts the positions of the existing elements to make room.
ArrayPush() Inserts an array element at the end of an array and return the new size of the array.
ArrayReduce() Iterates over every entry of the given array and calls the closure with every element. This function will reduce the array to a single value and will return the value.
ArrayRemoveDuplicates() Removes duplicate values from array.
ArrayResize() Resets an array to a specified minimum number of elements.
ArrayReverse() Returns a new array, with all the elements reversed
ArraySet() In a one-dimensional array, sets the elements in a specified index range to a value. Useful for initializing an array after a call to ArrayNew.
ArrayShift() pops the first element from an array and shift the rest of the values to the left. In case the array is empty an exception is thrown, unless the second argument "defaultValue" is provided, in that case that value is returned.
ArraySlice() Returns a new array, from the start position up to the count of elements
ArraySome() This function calls a given closure/function with every element in a given array and returns true, if one of the closure calls returns true.
ArraySort() Sorts array elements numerically or alphanumerically.
ArraySplice() Modifies an array by removing elements and adding new elements. It starts from the index, removes as many elements as specified by elementCountForRemoval, and puts the replacements starting from index position. Return the removed elements.
ArraySum() The sum of values in an array. If the array parameter value is an empty array, returns zero.
ArraySwap() Swaps array values of an array at specified positions. This function is more efficient than multiple cfset tags
ArrayToList() Transform the array to a list of elements delimiter by the given string
ArrayToStruct() Transform the array to a struct, by default, the index of the array is the key of the struct
ArrayUnShift() Adds an element at the beginning of the array and shifts the rest of the elements to the right.
Asc() Determines the value of a character.
ASin() Determines the arcSine of a number. The arcSine is the angle whose sine is number.
Atn() ArcTangent function. The arcTangent is the angle whose tangent is number.
Beat() Outputs the current swatch/beat time.
BinaryDecode() Converts a string to a binary object. Used to convert binary data that has been encoded into string format back into binary data.
BinaryEncode() Converts binary data to a string.
BitAnd() Performs a bitwise logical AND operation.
BitMaskClear() Performs a bitwise mask clear operation.
BitMaskRead() Performs a bitwise mask read operation.
BitMaskSet() Performs a bitwise mask set operation.
BitNot() Performs a bitwise logical NOT operation.
BitOr() Performs a bitwise logical OR operation.
BitSHLN() Performs a bitwise shift-left, no-rotation operation.
BitSHRN() Performs a bitwise shift-right, no-rotation operation.
BitXor() Performs a bitwise logical XOR operation.
BooleanFormat() True, for a non-zero value; False, otherwise.
BundleInfo() if the given object is loaded by an OSGi bundle, this function is returning information about that bundle
CacheClear() Flushes the cache
CacheCount() Returns the amount (integer) of keys stored in the cache.
CacheDelete() Deletes a single element from the cache.
CacheGet() Gets an object that is stored in the cache.
CacheGetAll() this function return a structure containing all elements inside the cache.
CacheGetAllIds() this function return an array containing all keys inside the cache.
CacheGetDefaultCacheName() return the default cache name for a specific type
CacheGetMetadata() returns a structure with some Metadata regarding the cache elements
CacheGetProperties() Gets the cache properties for the object cache, the page cache, or both.
CacheIdExists() Returns true/false whether the cache contains an element with the certain id.
CacheKeyExists() this function is deprecated
CachePut() Stores an object in the cache, with a life time and an idle time.
CacheRegionExists() this function exists solely for the purpose of compatibility with other CFML Engines.
CacheRegionNew() This function exists solely for the purpose of compatibility with other CFML Engines.
CacheRegionRemove() this function exists solely for the purpose of compatibility with other CFML Engines.
CacheRemove() removes elements from cache defined with argument ids.
CacheRemoveAll() this function is deprecated, use instead cacheClear. Removes all elements from the cache
CacheSetProperties() This function is not supported by Lucee
CallStackDump() Dump the context (stacktrace) of the current position.
CallStackGet() Returns the context (stacktrace) of the current position.
Canonicalize() Canonicalization is simply the operation of reducing a possibly encoded string down to its simplest form. This is important, because attackers frequently use encoding to change their input in a way that will bypass validation filters, but still be interpreted properly by the target of the attack. Note that data encoded more than once is not something that a normal user would generate and should be regarded as an attack
Ceiling() Determines the closest integer that is greater than a specified number.
Cfusion_decrypt() Decrypts the given string, alias for function call decrypt(string,key,"cfmx_compat","hex")
Cfusion_encrypt() Encrypts the given string, alias for function call encrypt(string,key,"cfmx_compat","hex")
CharsetDecode() Converts as string to a binary representation.
CharsetEncode() Uses the specified encoding to convert binary data to a string.
Chr() Returns the character represented by the ascii value
CJustify() Returns the given string justified to the center, padding out the words with spaces accordingly
ClearTimeZone() resets the timezone for the current request to Lucee default setting.
CollectionEach() call the given UDF/Closure with every entry (key/value) in the given collection.
CollectionEvery() This function calls a given closure/function with every element in a given collection and returns true, if all of the closure calls returns true.
CollectionFilter() This function creates a new collection that returns all entries from an collection that match the given filter.
CollectionMap() Calls the given closure with every element in the given collection. the function returns an array or struct (depending on the input) that contains all values returned by the closure.
CollectionReduce() Iterates over every entry of the collection and calls the closure with every element. This function will reduce the array to a single value and will return the value.
CollectionSome() This function calls a given closure/function with every element in a given collection and returns true, if one of the closure calls returns true.
Compare() Performs a case-sensitive comparison of two strings. -1, if string1 is less than string2 0, if string1 is equal to string2 1, if string1 is greater than string2
CompareNoCase() Performs a case-insensitive comparison of two strings. An indicator of the difference: A negative number, if string1 is less than string2 0, if string1 is equal to string2 A positive number, if string1 is greater than string2
ComponentCacheClear() flush the component path cache
ComponentCacheList() list elements in the component path cache
ComponentInfo() this function is deprecated, use function getMetadata instead.
ComponentListPackage() List all components in a certain package, throws an application exception if package does not exist.
Compress() Compress given source to different formats.
ConfigImport() Imports configuration using the "CFConfig.json" format.
configTranslate() translate an old Lucee XML configuration to the new CFConfig.json configuration
ContractPath() Does the opposite of the function expandPath(). Tries to match given absolute path to the mappings in the environment. When no mappings match, lucee creates a relative path from the current position.
Cos() Calculates the cosine of an angle that is entered in radians. A number; the cosine of the angle.
CreateDate() Creates a CFML date object from the given year, month and day
CreateDateTime() Creates a CFML date/time object from the given year, month, day, hour, minute and second
CreateDynamicProxy() wrap the given component with a java class that implements the given interfaces.
CreateGUID() Creates a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID). A GUID is a 36-character string representation of a unique 128-bit integer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx where x is a hexadecimal digit. A GUID is just a UUID with one extra dash.
CreateObject() The CreateObject function takes different arguments depending on the value of the first argument:
CreateODBCDate() Creates an ODBC date object.
CreateODBCDateTime() Creates an ODBC date-time object.
CreateODBCTime() Creates an ODBC time object.
CreateTime() Creates a CFML time object from the given hour, minute and second
CreateTimeSpan() Creates a timespan object that defines a time period.
createULID() Generates a ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier)
CreateUniqueId() Creates a Unique Identifier.
CreateUUID() Creates a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). A UUID is a 35-character string representation of a unique 128-bit integer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx where x is a hexadecimal digit.
CSRFGenerateToken() Provides a random token and stores it in the session.
CSRFVerifyToken() Validates the given token against the same stored in the session for a specific key.
CtCacheClear() flush the custom tag path cache
CtCacheList() list elements in the custom tag path cache
DatasourceFlushMetaCache() Flush the meta data stored for a certain datasource used for stored procedures, this is only supported for Oracle datasources
DateAdd() Adds units of time to a date object.
DateCompare() Compares two dates to a given optional resolution
DateDiff() Determines the number of given date parts between two different dates
DateFormat() Formats a date string to a given output
DatePart() Extracts the given date part from the date object
DateTimeFormat() Formats a date/time string to a given output
Day() Determines the day of the month, in a date. The ordinal for the day of the month, ranging from 1 to 31.
DayOfWeek() Determines the day of the week, in a date.
DayOfWeekAsString() Determines the day of the week as a string from 1-7
DayOfWeekShortAsString() Returns the string representation of the given day index in short form
DayOfYear() Determines the day of the year, in a date.
DaysInMonth() Determines the number of days in a month.
DaysInYear() Determines the number of days in a year.
DbPoolClear() clears all existing datasource connection
DE() Postpones evaluation of a string as an expression, when it is passed as a parameter to the IIf or Evaluate functions. Escapes any double quotation marks in the parameter and wraps the result in double quotation marks.
DebugAdd() Adding data to debug output.
DecimalFormat() Converts a number to a decimal-formatted string.
DecodeForHtml() Decodes the given encoded string.
DecodeFromURL() Decodes a string that has been encoded in the URL using the encodeForURL. this function is deprecated, use function ESAPIDecode('url',...) instead.
DecrementValue() this function is deprecated, use instead the -- operator;Decrements the current number by one
Decrypt() Decrypts a string that is encrypted with the Encrypt function.
DecryptBinary() Decrypts the given binary with the optional parameters
DeleteClientVariable() Removes the element represented by the key from the [client] scope
DeserializeJSON() Converts a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) string data representation into CFML data, such as a struct or array.
DirectoryCopy() Copies the contents of a directory to a destination directory.
DirectoryCreate() Creates new directory for specified path
DirectoryDelete() Deltes directory for given path
DirectoryExists() Determines whether a directory exists.
DirectoryInfo() returns detailed info about the given directory.
DirectoryList() Lists the contents of a specified directory and returns the list as an array or a query.
DirectoryRename() Renames given directory
DollarFormat() Formats a string in U.S. format.
Dump() Outputs the elements, variables and values of most kinds of CFML objects. Useful for debugging. You can display the contents of simple and complex variables, objects, components, user-defined functions, and other elements.
Duplicate() Returns a new duplicated version of the given object, removing all references to the old one
Each() call the given UDF/Closure with every entry (key/value) in the given collection.
Echo() Writes the given string to the main response buffer regardless of conditions established by the cfsetting tag. see also function writeOutput.
Empty() This function is deprecated, use instead IsEmpty()
EncodeForCSS() Encodes the given string for safe output in CSS to reduce the risk of Cross Site Scripting attacks.
EncodeForDN() Encodes the given string for safe output in LDAP Distinguished Names.
EncodeForHTML() Encodes the given string for safe output in HTML to reduce the risk of Cross Site Scripting attacks.
EncodeForHTMLAttribute() Encodes the given string for safe output in HTML to reduce the risk of Cross Site Scripting attacks.
EncodeForJavaScript() Encodes the given string for safe output in JavaScript to reduce the risk of Cross Site Scripting attacks.
EncodeForLDAP() Encodes the given string for safe output in LDAP queries.
EncodeForSQL() Encodes the given string for safe output in a query to reduce the risk of SQL Injection attacks. _This method is not recommended_ - the use of query parameters are strongly encouraged as a stronger alternative.
EncodeForURL() Encodes the given string for safe output in a URL.
EncodeForXML() Encodes the given string for safe output in XML to reduce the risk of Cross Site Scripting attacks.
EncodeForXMLAttribute() Encodes the given string for safe output in XMLAttribute to reduce the risk of Cross Site Scripting attacks.
EncodeForXPath() Encodes the given string for safe use in an XPath Query.
Encrypt() Encrypts a string. Uses a symmetric key-based algorithm, in which the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt a string.
EncryptBinary() Encrypts binary data using a specific algorithm and encoding method.
EntityDelete() Deletes the record from the database for the specified entity. EntityDelete(entity)
EntityLoad() Loads and returns an array of entities of the specified entityname.
EntityLoadByExample() Loads and returns an array of objects that match the sample entity.
EntityLoadByPK() Loads and returns an array of objects for given primary key.
EntityMerge() Attaches given entity to current ORM session
EntityNameArray() return all loaded entities as array
EntityNameList() return all loaded entities as string list
EntityNew() Creates a new instance of the persistent CFC with the entity name that you provide.
EntityReload() Reloads data for an entity that is already loaded.
EntitySave() Saves or updates data of the entity and all related entities to the database.
EntityToQuery() Converts the input entity object or the input array of entity objects to a query object.
ESAPIDecode() Decodes a string that has been encoded with ESAPIEncode.
ESAPIEncode() Encodes the given string for safe output to reduce the risk of Cross Site Scripting attacks.
Evaluate() Evaluates one or more string expressions, dynamically, from left to right. (The results of an evaluation on the left can have meaning in an expression to the right.) Returns the result of evaluating the rightmost expression.
Exp() Calculates the exponent whose base is e that represents number.
ExpandPath() Creates an absolute, platform-appropriate path that is equivalent to the value of relative_path, appended to the base path. This function (despite its name) can accept an absolute or relative path in the relative_path attribute
ExtensionExists() Checks if a certain extension exists or not.
ExtensionInfo() Returns the detailed info about the extension.
ExtensionList() Checks if a certain extension exists or not.
Extract() Extract the data of a compressed file
FileAppend() appends the entire content to the specified file.
FileClose() Closes an file that is open.
FileCopy() Copies the specified on-disk or in-memory source file to the specified destination file.
FileDelete() Deletes the specified file on the server.
FileExists() Determines whether a file exists
FileGetMimeType() Returns the mimetype of the given file
FileInfo() returns detailed info about the given file.
FileIsEOF() Determines whether Lucee has reached the end of the file while reading it.
FileMove() Moves file from source to destination
FileOpen() Opens an file to read, write, or append.
FileRead() Reads an on-disk or in-memory text file or a file object created with the FileOpen function.
FileReadBinary() Reads an on-disk or in-memory binary file (such as an executable or image file) on the server, into a binary object
FileReadLine() Reads a line from an file.
FileSeek() Shifts the file pointer to the given position. The file must be opened with seekable option
FileSetAccessMode() Sets the attributes of an on-disk file on UNIX or Linux. This function does not work with in-memory files.
FileSetAttribute() For the given path, sets the file attributes.
FileSetLastModified() For the given file, set the last modification date
FileSkipBytes() Shifts the file pointer by the given number of bytes.
FileTouch() Touches given file, creates the file if not already exists.
FileUpload() Uploads file to a directory on the server.
FileUploadAll() Uploads file to a directory on the server.
FileWrite() If you specify a file path, writes the entire content to the specified file. If you specify a file object, writes text or binary data to the file object.
FileWriteLine() Opens up the file (or uses the existing file object) and appends the given line of text
Find() Finds the first occurrence of a substring in a string, from a specified start position. The search is case-sensitive.
FindLast() Finds the last occurrence of a substring in a string, from a specified start position. The search is case-sensitive.
FindLastNoCase() Finds the last occurrence of a substring in a string, from a specified start position. If substring is not in string, returns zero. The search is case-insensitive.
FindNoCase() Finds the first occurrence of a substring in a string, from a specified start position. If substring is not in string, returns zero. The search is case-insensitive.
FindOneOf() Finds the first occurrence of any one of a set of characters in a string, from a specified start position. The search is case-sensitive.
FirstDayOfMonth() Determines the ordinal (day number, in the year) of the first day of the month in which a given date falls.
Fix() Converts a real number to an integer.
Floor() Calculates the closest integer that is smaller than number.
FormatBaseN() String Converts number to a string, in the base specified by radix. For example: #FormatBaseN(1024,16)#
Generate3DESKey() Generates a secure key value for use in the encrypt function with the 3DES algorithm.
GeneratePBKDFkey() Implementation of Password-Based Key-Derivation Function (PBKDF).
GenerateRSAkeys() Generates a secure keys (private and public) for use in the encrypt function with the RSA algorithm.
GenerateSecretKey() Gets a secure key value for use in the encrypt function.
GetApplicationMetadata() return all data from this scope, when using an application.cfc or all setting defined in tag cfapplication
GetApplicationSettings() return all data from this scope, when using an application.cfc or all setting defined in tag cfapplication
GetAuthUser() Gets the name of an authenticated user.
GetBaseTagData() Used within a custom tag. Finds calling (ancestor) tag by name and accesses its data.
GetBaseTagList() Gets ancestor tag names, starting with the parent tag.
GetBaseTemplatePath() Gets the absolute path of an application's base page.
GetBuiltInFunction() return a build in function as an object, matching the given name, throws an exception when the function does not exist.
GetCanonicalPath() Returns the canonical pathname string based on the given string.
GetClassPath() returns an array containing the Java classpath of the current environment.
GetClientVariablesList() Finds the client variables to which a page has write access. Comma-delimited list of non-read-only client variables
GetComponentMetaData() Gets metadata (such as the functions and implemented interfaces of a component) for a CFC or Interface.
GetComponentStaticScope() returns the static scope of a specific component, of course access rules apply.
GetContextInfo() Returns information about the current context.
GetContextRoot() Returns path to the J2EE server context root for the current request.
GetCPUUsage() returns the CPU usage for a defined time range (default: 1000ms).
GetCurrentContext() this function is deprecated, use function CallStackGet instead.
GetCurrentTemplatePath() Gets the absolute path of the page that calls this function.
GetDirectoryFromPath() Extracts a directory from an absolute path. Returns the absolute path, without the filename.
GetEncoding() Returns the encoding (character set) of the Form or URL scope.
GetFileFromPath() Extracts a filename from an absolute path.
GetFileInfo() Retrieves information about file.
GetFreeSpace() Returns the number of unallocated bytes in the partition named by this abstract path name.
GetFunctionCalledName() Returns the name of variable used to call the current function
GetFunctionData() Returns information about a built in function (BIF)
GetFunctionKeywords() returns all keywords defined with all functions
GetFunctionList() Returns all the currently registered functions
GetHTTPRequestData() Makes HTTP request headers and body available to CFML pages. Useful for capturing SOAP request data, which can be delivered in an HTTP header.
GetHTTPRequestHeaders() Returns a Struct with HTTP Request Headers
GetHttpTimeString() Gets the current time, in the Universal Time code (UTC).
GetK2ServerDocCount() This function is deprecated.
GetK2ServerDocCountLimit() This function is deprecated.
GetLocale() Gets the current geographic/language locale value.
GetLocaleDisplayName() Gets a locale value and displays the name in a manner that is appropriate to a specific locale. By default, gets the current locale in the current locale's language.
GetLocaleInfo() returns info to a specific Locale
GetLocalHostIP() Returns the localhost IP address, which is for IPv4 and ::1 for IPv6 addresses.
GetLuceeId() return ids of the current context
GetMemoryUsage() Returns detailed information to the memory usage of the container.
GetMetadata() Returns back meta information depending on the object passed in
GetMetricData() Gets server performance metrics.
GetNumericDate() Returns a real number whose integer part represents the number of days since the EPOCH and whose fractional part represents the time value expressed in hours then divided by 24
GetPageContext() Gets the current PageContext object that provides access to page attributes and configuration, request and response objects.
GetPrinterList() Gets a string list of available printers.
GetProfileSections() Gets all the sections of an initialization file. An initialization file, as a struct whose format is as follows: - Each initialization file section name is a key in the struct - Each list of entries in a section of an initialization file is a value in the struct
GetProfileString() Gets an initialization file entry.
GetReadableImageFormats() Returns a list of image formats that Lucee can read on the operating system where Lucee is deployed.
GetSOAPRequest() Returns an XML object that contains the entire SOAP request. Usually called from within a web service CFC.
GetSOAPRequestHeader() Obtains a SOAP request header. Call only from within a CFC web service function that is processing a request as a SOAP web service.
GetSOAPResponse() Returns an XML object that contains the entire SOAP response after invoking a web service.
GetSOAPResponseHeader() Returns a SOAP response header. Call this function from within code that is invoking a web service after making a web service request.
GetSystemFreeMemory() The amount of memory that is currently free, in bytes.
GetSystemTotalMemory() The amount of memory that is available to the operating system, in bytes.
GetTagData() Returns Information about a Tag as Struct
GetTagList() Returns a struct containing all the Tags supported by Lucee.
GetTempDirectory() Returns the full path to the currently assigned temporary directory
GetTempFile() Creates a temporary file in a directory whose name starts with (at most) the first three characters of prefix, with an optional extension, default is .tmp.
GetTemplatePath() This function is deprecated. Use the GetBaseTemplatePath() function instead.
GetTickCount() Returns the number of milliseconds since the start of the application server
GetTimeZone() returns the timezone defined for the current request.
GetTimeZoneInfo() Returns a structure representing the current timezone
GetToken() Determines whether a token of the list in the delimiters parameter is present in a string. Returns the token found at position index of the string, as a string. If index is greater than the number of tokens in the string, returns an empty string.
GetTotalSpace() Returns the size of the partition named by this abstract pathname.
GetUserRoles() Retrieves the list of roles for the current user.
GetVariable() Gets the variable referenced by the given parameter; may be fully qualified
GetVFSMetaData() Returns metadata about the Virtual File system (VFS)
GetWriteableImageFormats() Returns a list of image formats that Lucee can write on the operating system where Lucee is deployed.
Hash() Returns the one-way hash of a variable-length input string based on the algorithm, producing a fixed-length string.
Hash40() This function only exists for backward compatibility to Lucee 4.0
HMAC() Creates a hash-based message authentication code (HMAC)
Hour() Gets the current hour of the day. Ordinal value of the hour, in the range 0 - 23.
HTMLCodeFormat() Replaces special characters in a string with their HTML-escaped equivalents and inserts and tags at the beginning and end of the string. [version] HTML version to use. currently ignored. -1: The latest implementation of HTML 2.0: HTML 2.0 (Default) 3.2: HTML 3.2
HTMLEditFormat() Replaces special characters in a string with their HTML-escaped equivalents. [version] HTML version to use. currently ignored. -1: The latest implementation of HTML 2.0: HTML 2.0 (Default) 3.2: HTML 3.2 4.0: HTML 4.0
HtmlParse() parse the given html (not only xhtml) as xml Object, work similar to xmlParse, but this function is very forgiving with the syntax..
IIf() Evaluates a Boolean conditional dynamic expression. Depending on whether the expression is true or false, dynamically evaluates one of two string expressions and returns the result.
ImageAddBorder() Adds a rectangular border around the outside edge of a image.
ImageBlur() Smooths image.
ImageCaptcha() Creates a captcha image
ImageClearRect() Clears the specified rectangle by filling it with the background color of the current drawing surface.
imagecoderinfo() Gives detailed information about all coder used by the image extension.
ImageCopy() Copies a rectangular area of an image.
ImageCrop() Crops a image to a specified rectangular area.
ImageDrawArc() Draws a circular or elliptical arc.
ImageDrawBeveledRect() Draws a rectangle with beveled edges.
ImageDrawCubicCurve() Draws a cubic curve.
ImageDrawImage() this function is deprecated, use ImagePaste instead. Draws a image on a image with the baseline of the first character positioned at (x,y) in the image.
ImageDrawLine() Draws a single line defined by two sets of x and y coordinates on a image.
ImageDrawLines() Draws a sequence of connected lines defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
ImageDrawOval() Draws an oval.
ImageDrawPoint() Draws a point at the specified (x,y) coordinate.
ImageDrawQuadraticCurve() Draws a curved line. The curve is controlled by a single point.
ImageDrawRect() Draws a rectangle.
ImageDrawRoundRect() Draws a rectangle with rounded corners.
ImageDrawText() Draws a text string on a image with the baseline of the first character positioned at (x,y) in the image.
ImageFilter() the function ImageFilter allows to execute a filter against a image.
ImageFilterColorMap() These are passed to the function ImageFilters (see ImageFilter documentation) which convert gray values to colors.
ImageFilterCurves() the curves for the wrap grid
ImageFilterKernel() These are passed to the function ImageFilters
ImageFilterWarpGrid() A warp grid. These are passed to the function ImageFilters (see ImageFilter documentation).
ImageFlip() Flips an image across an axis.
ImageFonts() return all available
ImageFormats() return all available readers and writers
ImageGetBlob() Retrieves the bytes of the underlying image. The bytes are in the same image format as the source image.
ImageGetBufferedImage() Returns the java.awt.BufferedImage object underlying the current image.
ImageGetEXIFMetadata() Retrieves the Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) headers in an image as a CFML structure.
ImageGetEXIFTag() Retrieves the specified EXIF tag in an image.
ImageGetHeight() Retrieves the height of the image in pixels.
ImageGetIptcMetadata() Retrieves the International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC )headers in a image as a struct. The IPTC metadata contains text that describes the image that is stored with it. IPTC metadata includes, but is not limited to, caption, keywords, credit, copyright, object name, created date, byline, headline, and source
ImageGetWidth() Retrieves the width of the specified image.
ImageGrayscale() Converts a image to grayscale.
ImageInfo() Returns a structure that contains information about the image, such as height, width, color model, size, and filename.
ImageNegative() Inverts the pixel values of a image.
ImageNew() Creates a image.
ImageOverlay() Reads two source images and overlays the second source image on the first source image.
ImagePaste() Takes two images and an (x,y) coordinate and draws the second image over the first image with the upper-left corner at coordinate (x,y).
ImageRead() Reads the source pathname or URL and creates a image.
ImageReadBase64() Creates a image from a Base64 string.
ImageResize() Resizes a image.
ImageRotate() Rotates a image at a specified point by a specified angle.
ImageRotateDrawingAxis() Rotates all subsequent drawing on a image at a specified point by a specified angle.
ImageScaleToFit() Creates a resized image with the aspect ratio maintained.
ImageSetAntialiasing() Switches antialiasing on or off in rendered graphics.
ImageSetBackgroundColor() Sets the background color for the image. The background color is used for clearing a region. Setting the background color only affects the subsequent ImageClearRect calls
ImageSetDrawingAlpha() Sets the current drawing alpha for images. All subsequent graphics operations use the specified alpha.
ImageSetDrawingColor() Sets the current drawing color for images. All subsequent graphics operations use the specified color.
ImageSetDrawingStroke() Sets the drawing stroke for points and lines in subsequent images.
ImageSetDrawingTransparency() Specifies the degree of transparency of drawing functions.
ImageSharpen() Sharpens a image by using the unsharp mask filter.
ImageShear() Shears an image either horizontally or vertically.
ImageShearDrawingAxis() Shears the drawing canvas.
ImageTranslate() Copies an image to a new location on the plane.
ImageTranslateDrawingAxis() Translates the origin of the image context to the point (x,y) in the current coordinate system.
ImageWrite() Writes a image to the specified filename or destination.
ImageWriteBase64() Writes Base64 images to the specified filename and destination.
ImageWriteToBrowser() Writes image to browser.
ImageXORDrawingMode() Sets the paint mode of the image to alternate between the image's current color and the new specified color.
IncrementValue() this function is deprecated, use instead the ++ operator;Increments the current number by one
InputBaseN() Converts string, using the base specified by radix, to an integer. For example: #InputBaseN("3ff",16)#
Insert() Inserts a substring in a string after a specified character position. If position = 0, prefixes the substring to the string.
InspectTemplates() Flag all the cfml code (cfm, cfcs) in the cache of compiled code (aka the Page Pool) to be checked once for any changes.
Int() Calculates the closest integer that is smaller than number.
internalRequest() Makes a request to the CFML Engine internally.
Invoke() invokes a function/operation of the given object and if given object is a string, Lucee tries to load as component.
IsArray() Determines whether a value is an array.
IsBinary() Determines whether a value is stored as binary data.
IsBoolean() Determines if the object represents a boolean value
IsClosure() checks if given Object is a closure or not.
IsCustomFunction() Determines whether a name represents a custom function
IsDate() Determines whether a string or Java object can be converted to a date/time value.
IsDebugMode() Determines whether debugging output is enabled.
IsDefined() Evaluates a string value to determine whether the variable named in it exists.
IsEmpty() Returns whether or not a given value is "empty".
IsFileObject() Determines whether a value is an file object. True, if the value represents a file object.
isflushed() returns true if the response stream was already flushed.
IsImage() Determines whether a variable returns a image.
IsImageFile() Verifies whether an image file is valid.
IsInstanceOf() Determines whether an object is an instance of a Lucee interface or component, or of a Java class.
IsInThread() Determines whether the executing code is inside a cfthread or not.
IsIPInRange() Checks if an ip is in the range of a list of given ips. IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
IsIPv6() checks if given IP is of IPV6 format
IsJson() Evaluates whether a string is in valid JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data interchange format.
IsLeapYear() Determines whether a year is a leap year.
IsLocalHost() Determines whether the specified IP address is the localhost.
IsNull() Determines whether given object is null or not
IsNumeric() Determines if the object represents a numeric
IsNumericDate() Evaluates whether a real number is a valid representation of a date (date/time object).
IsObject() Determines whether a value is an object.
IsPDFObject() Determines whether a value is a PDF object.
IsQuery() Determines whether value is a query.
IsSimpleValue() Determines if the object represents a simple value like a string, number, boolean etc
IsSOAPRequest() Determines whether a CFC is being called as a web service.
IsStruct() Determines if the object is a structure
IsUserInAnyRole() Determines whether an authenticated user belongs to any role in a list of roles.
IsUserInRole() Determines whether an authenticated user belongs to the specified Role.
IsUserLoggedIn() Determines whether a user is logged in.
IsValid() Tests whether a value meets a validation or data type rule.
IsWddx() Determines whether a value is a well-formed WDDX packet.
IsWithinTransaction() Determines whether the current thread is within a transaction block or not.
IsXML() Determines whether a string is well-formed XML text.
IsXmlAttribute() Determines whether the function parameter is an XML Document Object Model (DOM) attribute node.
IsXmlDoc() Determines whether a function parameter is an Extended Markup language (XML) document object.
IsXmlElem() Determines whether a function parameter is an Extended Markup language (XML) document object element.
IsXmlNode() Determines whether the function parameter is an XML document object node.
IsXmlRoot() Determines whether a function parameter is the root element of an Extended Markup language (XML) document object.
IsZipFile() Verifies whether an zip file is valid.
JavaCast() Converts the data type of a CFML variable to pass as an argument to an overloaded method of a Java object. Use only for scalar and string arguments. [type - quickly] boolean,int,long,float,double,string
JSStringFormat() Escapes special JavaScript characters, such as single quotation mark, double quotation mark, and newline
LCase() Converts the alphabetic characters in a string to lowercase.
Left() Returns a substring from beginning of the input string, with a length specified by the count argument.
Len() Determines the length of a string, array or struct
ListAppend() Concatenates a list or element to a list.
ListChangeDelims() Changes a list delimiter. Returns a copy of the list, with each delimiter character replaced by new_delimiter.
ListCompact() Removes any empty items from the start and end of the list
ListContains() Determines the index of the first list element that contains a specified substring. Returns the index of the first list element that contains substring. If not found, returns zero.
ListContainsNoCase() Determines the index of the first list element that contains a specified substring.
ListDeleteAt() Deletes an element from a list. Returns a copy of the list, without the specified element.
ListEach() call the given UDF/Closure with every value in the string list.
ListEvery() This function calls a given closure/function with every element in a given string list and returns true, if all of the closure calls returns true.
ListFilter() This function creates a new string list that returns all entries from an string list that match the given filter.
ListFind() Determines the index of the first list element in which a specified value occurs. Case-sensitive
ListFindNoCase() Determines the index of the first list element in which a specified value occurs
ListFirst() Gets the first element of a list.
ListGetAt() Gets a list element at a specified position.
ListIndexExists() Determines if an element at the given position exists or not
ListInsertAt() Inserts an element in a list.
ListItemTrim() Removes all the white space surrounding each element, returning back the new list
ListLast() Gets the last element of a list.
ListLen() Determines the number of elements in a list.
ListMap() Calls the given closure with every element in the given list. The function returns a list that contains all values returned by the closure.
ListPrepend() Inserts an element at the beginning of a list.
ListQualifiedToArray() Copies the elements of a list to an array.
ListQualify() Inserts a string at the beginning and end of list elements.
ListReduce() Iterates over every entry of the given list and calls the closure with every element. This function will reduce the list to a single value and will return the value.
ListRemoveDuplicates() Removes duplicate values from list.
ListRest() Gets a list, without its first element.
ListSetAt() Replaces the contents of a list element.
ListSome() This function calls a given closure/function with every element in a given string list and returns true, if one of the closure calls returns true.
ListSort() Sorts list elements according to a sort type and sort order.
ListToArray() Copies the elements of a list to an array.
ListTrim() this function is deprecated, use instead ListCompact
ListValueCount() Counts instances of a specified value in a list. The search is case-sensitive.
ListValueCountNoCase() Counts instances of a specified value in a list. The search is case-insensitive.
LJustify() Left justifies characters in a string of a specified length.
Location() Stops execution of the current request and redirect to another location.
Log() Calculates the natural logarithm of a number. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e (2.71828182845904).
Log10() Calculates the logarithm of number, to base 10.
LSCurrencyFormat() Formats a number in a locale-specific currency format.
LSDateFormat() Formats a date string to a given output using the current sessions locale
LSDateTimeFormat() Formats a date string to a given output using the current locale
LSDayOfWeek() Returns the day of the week the date represents in locale format
LSEuroCurrencyFormat() this function is just an alias for lsCurrencyFormat
LSIsCurrency() Determines whether a string is a valid representation of a currency amount in the current locale.
LSIsDate() Determines whether a string is a valid representation of a date/time value in the current locale.
LSIsNumeric() Determines whether a string is a valid representation of a number in the current locale.
lslcase() Converts the alphabetic characters in a specified string to lowercase, respecting locale-specific casing rules. This is particularly important for languages where the standard lowercase conversion rules do not apply, ensuring accurate and culturally correct text processing. The function defaults to the current page's locale if no locale is specified
LSNumberFormat() Formats a number to the given format mask in the current locale
LSParseCurrency() Converts a locale-specific currency string into a formatted number. Attempts conversion by comparing the string with each the three supported currency formats (none, local, international) and using the first that matches.
LSParseDateTime() Converts a string that is a valid date/time representation in the current locale into a date/time object.
LSParseEuroCurrency() use function lsParseCurrency instead
LSParseNumber() Converts a string that is a valid numeric representation in the current locale into a formatted number.
LSTimeFormat() Formats a time string to a given output using the current locale.
lsucase() Converts the alphabetic characters in a specified string to uppercase, respecting locale-specific casing rules. This is particularly important for languages where the standard lowercase conversion rules do not apply, ensuring accurate and culturally correct text processing. The function defaults to the current page's locale if no locale is specified
LsWeek() Returns the week number in the year of the date referenced, based on the local influence.
LTrim() Removes leading spaces from a string.
ManifestRead() reads a manifest file and returns the content as struct
MarkdownToHtml() Transforms Markdown formatted String into HTML.
Max() Determines the greater of two numbers.
Metaphone() Metaphone is a phonetic algorithm, an algorithm published in 1990 for indexing words by their English pronunciation. The algorithm produces variable length keys as its output, as opposed to Soundex's fixed-length keys. Similar sounding words share the same keys.
Mid() Extracts a substring from a string.
Millisecond() Returns the milliseconds of the referenced date
Min() Determines the lesser of two numbers.
Minute() Extracts the minute value from a date/time object.
Month() Extracts the month value from a date/time object.
MonthAsString() Returns the string label for the given month
MonthShortAsString() Returns the string label for the given month in short format
NewLine() returns a new line
Now() Returns the current date and time
NowServer() this function is deprecated, returns the current time on the server independent on lucee timezone definition
NullValue() returns null
NumberFormat() Creates a custom-formatted number value
ObjectEquals() compares simply and complex objects for equality, attention string comparison is case sensitive
ObjectLoad() loads an object serialized in a binary form from a file or as binary input
ObjectSave() serialize a (Serializable) object to a binary representation of the object
ORMClearSession() Removes all the entities that are loaded or created in the session.
ORMCloseAllSessions() Closes all ORM session.
ORMCloseSession() Closes the current ORM session.
ORMEvictCollection() This will remove all the entries with the specified relation/collection name in the specified component.
ORMEvictEntity() This will remove all the entries for the specified component name from the entity cache.
ORMEvictQueries() This will remove all the queries from the named query cache.
ORMExecuteQuery() Runs the HQL on the default data source specified for the application.
ORMFlush() Flushes the current ORM session.
ORMGetSession() Returns the current ORM session
ORMGetSessionFactory() Returns ORM session factory instance
ORMReload() Returns ORM session factory instance
PagePoolClear() Clear out all the cfml code (cfm, cfcs) in the cache of compiled code (aka the Page Pool)
PagePoolList() Lists all the cfml code (cfm, cfcs) in the cache of compiled code (aka the Page Pool)
ParagraphFormat() Formats the carriage returns in a string to a HTML alternatives
ParameterExists() Determines if the parameter exists
ParseDateTime() Parses a date/time string according to the English (U.S.) locale conventions.
ParseNumber() Parses the string argument as a numeric value.
Pi() Gets the mathematical constant p, accurate to 15 digits. The number 3.14159265358979.
PrecisionEvaluate() Evaluates one or more string expressions.
PreserveSingleQuotes() Returns back string without letting the engine escape the single quotes. Used within CFQUERY blocks usually
Quarter() Calculates the quarter of the year in which a date falls.
Query() Create and populate a query object in the form query(columnName1:[1,2,3],columnName2:[4,5,6])
QueryAddColumn() Adds a column to a query and populates its rows with the contents of a one-dimensional array. Pads query columns, if necessary, to ensure that all columns have the same number of rows.
QueryAddRow() Adds rows to a query, either empty row(s) or you can add a row with data
QueryAppend() Adds all values of one query to the end of another query. Both queries need to have the same columns.
QueryClear() Clears all rows from a query
QueryClose() When using lazy="true", it is important to close the resultSet during a request or it will continue to use heap memory.
QueryColumnArray() return the column names as array
QueryColumnCount() column count of given query
QueryColumnData() Returns all the data in a query for a given column
QueryColumnExists() Determines whether a specific column is present in a query.
QueryColumnList() return the column names as list
QueryConvertForGrid() Use instead the function QuerySlice.
QueryCurrentRow() return the row where the pointer of the query is pointing ATM
QueryDeleteColumn() removes a row from a query and return removed row as array
QueryDeleteRow() Deletes the row within a query object. Modifies the original query object
QueryEach() call the given UDF/Closure with every row (struct) in the query.
QueryEvery() This function calls a given closure/function with every element in a given query and returns true, if all of the closure calls returns true.
QueryExecute() Executes a SQL query, returns the result.
QueryFilter() This function creates a new Query that returns all rows from an query that match the given filter.
QueryGetCell() return the value of a specific query cell
QueryGetCellByIndex() return the value of a specific query cell
QueryGetRow() this function is deprecated, use function QueryRowData instead.
QueryInsertAt() Adds data (query,struct or array) into query.
QueryIsEmpty() returns query empty or not
QueryKeyExists() Determines whether a specific column is present in a query.
QueryLazy() Executes a SQL query without loading the data entirely to memory. Instead it calls the given Function with every single row
QueryMap() Calls the given closure with every row in the query.
QueryNew() Creates an empty query (query object).
QueryPrepend() Adds all values of one query the begin to another query. Both queries need to have the same columns.
QueryRecordCount() row count of given query
QueryReduce() Iterates over every row of the given query and calls the closure with that row. This function will reduce the query to a single value and will return this value.
QueryRenameColumn() Rename a column
QueryReverse() reverse the row order of a complete query
QueryRowData() Returns a struct with the data from a query for a given row number
QueryRowSwap() swaps one row of a query with an other.
QuerySetCell() Sets a cell to a value. If no row number is specified, the cell on the last row is set.
QuerySetRow() Adds a row to a query, either by struct or array
QuerySlice() creates a new query containing a part of the given query
QuerySome() This function calls a given closure/function with every element in a given query and returns true, if one of the closure calls returns true.
QuerySort() Sorts the query based on the column specified and the order criteria given. Modifies the original query object
QueryToStruct() Copy the query columns data to struct by using the columnKey argument
QuotedValueList() Returns a quoted list of all the values, for a given column within the query, delimited by the value given. this function is deprecated, use instead the function queryColumnData
Rand() Generates a pseudo-random number in the range 0 - 1.
Randomize() Seeds the pseudo-random number generator with an integer number, ensuring repeatable number patterns.
RandRange() Generates a random integer between two specified numbers.
RedisCommand() execute any redis function without any interpretation from Lucee.
RedisCommandLowPriority() This function works the same way as RedisCommand with only one difference. In case the connection pool is down to one free connection. The thread will wait for at least one connection more get free. So this command will not use the last connection available.
RedisConnectionPoolInfo() Gives back detailed information about the Redis connection pool.
REFind() Uses a regular expression (RE) to search a string for a pattern. The search is case sensitive.
REFindNoCase() Uses a regular expression (RE) to search a string for a pattern, starting from a specified position. The search is case-insensitive.
ReleaseComObject() Releases a COM Object and frees up resources that it used.
REMatch() Uses a regular expression (RE) to search a string for a pattern, starting from a specified position.
REMatchNoCase() Uses a regular expression (RE) to search a string for a pattern, starting from a specified position.
RemoveChars() Removes characters from a string.
Render() Similar to the Evaluate() function, this function executes Lucee _tag_ code that you provide as a string and returns any output as a string.
RepeatString() Creates a string that contains a specified number of repetitions of the specified string.
Replace() Replaces occurrences of substring1 in a string with substring2, in a specified scope. The search is case-sensitive.
ReplaceList() Replaces occurrences of the elements from a delimited list in a string with corresponding elements from another delimited list. The search is case-sensitive.
ReplaceListNoCase() Replaces occurrences of the elements from a delimited list in a string with corresponding elements from another delimited list. The search is NOT case-sensitive.
ReplaceNoCase() Replaces occurrences of substring1 with substring2, in the specified scope. The search is case-insensitive.
REReplace() Uses a regular expression (RE) to search a string for a string pattern and replace it with another. The search is case-sensitive.
REReplaceNoCase() Uses a regular expression to search a string for a string pattern and replace it with another. The search is case-insensitive.
RestDeleteApplication() Deletes an existing REST mapping.
RestInitApplication() Registers the directory path with the service mapping provided. If no service mapping is provided, the application name is used. If the rest application is already registered, it is refreshed.
RestSetResponse() Sets the custom responses.
Reverse() Reverses the order of items, such as the characters in a string, the digits in a number, or the elements in an array.
Right() Returns a substring from end of the input string, with a length specified by the count argument.
RJustify() Right justifies characters of a string.
Round() Rounds a number to the closest integer.
RTrim() Removes spaces from the end of a string.
RunAsync() A function that returns a Future object, which is an eventual result of an asynchronous operation
s3addacl() Adds ACL to existing ACL for object or bucket. You can provide the endpoint as a bucket/object defintion (S3AddACL(bucket:"mybucket",object:"myobject.txt",acl:data) ) or as a virtual filesystem path (S3AddACL(path:"s3://mybucket/myobject.txt",acl:data) ).
s3clearBucket() Removes all objects from a bucket, unless maxage is set, in that case only objects that are older than maxage are removed.
s3copy() Copies an object in S3 from one bucket to an other.
s3delete() deletes a bucket or an object within a bucket.
s3deletebucket() deletes a bucket, this function is deprecated, use instead S3Delete.
s3exists() Checks if given object exists in
s3generatePresignedUrl() Generates a presigned URL pointing to the object given. You can provide the endpoint as a bucket/object defintion (S3AddACL(bucket:"mybucket",object:"myobject.txt") ) or as a virtual filesystem path (S3AddACL(path:"s3://mybucket/myobject.txt") ).
s3generateuri() Generates a URI endpoint pointing to the object given. You can provide the endpoint as a bucket/object defintion (S3AddACL(bucket:"mybucket",object:"myobject.txt") ) or as a virtual filesystem path (S3AddACL(path:"s3://mybucket/myobject.txt") ).
s3getacl() Returns an array of structures, with each structure representing an ACL (Access Control List) grant. You can provide the endpoint as a bucket/object defintion (S3GetACL(bucket:"mybucket",object:"myobject.txt") ) or as a virtual filesystem path (S3GetACL(path:"s3://mybucket/myobject.txt") ).
s3getmetadata() Returns the metadata related to the object or bucket. You can provide the endpoint as a bucket/object defintion (S3GetMetaData(bucket:"mybucket",object:"myobject.txt") ) or as a virtual filesystem path (S3GetMetaData(path:"s3://mybucket/myobject.txt") ).
s3listBucket() List all objects in a bucket
s3listbuckets() List all buckets
s3move() Moves an object in S3 from one bucket to an other.
s3read() Reads an object from S3 as a string.
s3readBinary() Reads an object from S3 as a binary.
s3setacl() Sets ACL to existing ACL for object or bucket. You can provide the endpoint as a bucket/object defintion (S3SetACL(bucket:"mybucket",object:"myobject.txt",acl:data) ) or as a virtual filesystem path (S3SetACL(path:"s3://mybucket/myobject.txt",acl:data) ).
s3setmetadata() Sets the metadata on bucket or object. You can provide the endpoint as a bucket/object defintion (S3SetMetaData(bucket:"mybucket",object:"myobject.txt",metadata:data) ) or as a virtual filesystem path (S3SetMetaData(path:"s3://mybucket/myobject.txt",metadata:data) ).
s3write() Writes a value to S3.
SanitizeHtml() Sanitizes unsafe HTML input and removes elements and attributes like JavaScript, onclick, etc. See also
Second() Extracts the ordinal for the second from a date/time object.
SendGatewayMessage() Sends an outgoing message through an event gateway.
Serialize() opposite of evaluate, this function serialize all cfml object and all serializable Java objects. can also serialize Components.
SerializeJSON() Converts CFML data into a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) representation of the data.
SessionInvalidate() Invalidates or cleans up the current session.
SessionRotate() invalidate current session, creates a new session and migrate the data from the old session to the new.
SessionStartTime() Provides information about the time when the current users session scope was created.
SetEncoding() Sets the character encoding (character set) of Form and URL scope variable values; used when the character encoding of the input to a form, or the character encoding of a URL, is not in UTF-8 encoding.
SetLocale() Sets the country/language locale for CFML processing and the page returned to the client.
SetProfileString() Sets the value of a profile entry in an initialization file.
SetTimeZone() change the timezone definition for the current request.
SetVariable() Sets the value
Sgn() Determines the sign of a number.
Sin() Calculates the sine of an angle that is entered in radians.
SizeOf() this function is experimental, do not use in a production environment. this function returns the size in bytes of a given object.
Sleep() Causes the current thread to stop processing for a specified period of time.
Soundex() Soundex is a phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English. The goal is for homophones to be encoded to the same representation so that they can be matched despite minor differences in spelling. The algorithm mainly encodes consonants; a vowel will not be encoded unless it is the first letter. Soundex is the most widely known of all phonetic algorithms, as it is a standard feature of MS SQL and Oracle, and is often used (incorrectly) as a synonym for "phonetic algorithm"
SpanExcluding() Gets characters from a string, from the beginning to a character that is in a specified set of characters. The search is case-sensitive.
SpanIncluding() Gets characters from a string, from the beginning to a character that is not in a specified set of characters. The search is case-sensitive.
SpreadSheetNew The `SpreadSheetNew()` function is not supported by Lucee. Third party support is available via the following projects:
Sqr() Calculates the square root of a number.
SSLCertificateInstall() install certificates of a specific host
SSLCertificateList() Returns a list of SSL certificates. If a host is specified, it lists the certificates available for that specific host. If no host is specified, it lists all certificates stored in the KeyStore.
StoreAddACL() Adds ACL to existing ACL for object or bucket. This function operates identically to "S3AddACL", making it deprecated. The updated function offers greater flexibility in defining the endpoint.
StoreGetACL() Returns an array of structures, with each structure representing an ACL (Access Control List) grant. This function operates identically to "S3GetACL", making it deprecated. The updated function offers greater flexibility in defining the endpoint.
StoreGetMetadata() Returns the metadata related to the object or bucket. This function operates identically to "S3GetMetaData", making it deprecated. The updated function offers greater flexibility in defining the endpoint.
StoreSetACL() Sets the ACL for object or bucket. This function operates identically to "S3SetACL", making it deprecated. The updated function offers greater flexibility in defining the endpoint.
StoreSetMetadata() Sets the metadata on bucket or object. This function operates identically to "S3SetMetaData", making it deprecated. The updated function offers greater flexibility in defining the endpoint.
StringEach() Iterates over a string and runs the closure function for each element in the string.
StringEvery() Determines if all elements of a string satisfy a given condition.
StringFilter() Filters a string to its elements for which the callback function returns true.
StringLen() returns the len of a string
StringMap() Iterates over every entry of the string and calls the closure function to work on the element of the string.
StringReduce() Iterates over every element of the string and calls the closure to work on the elements of the string. This function will reduce the string to a single value and will return the value.
StringSome() This function calls a given closure/function with every element in a given string and returns true, if one of the closure calls returns true.
StringSort() Returns a string containing the sorted characters from the input.
StripCr() Deletes return characters from a string.
StructAppend() Appends all the data from struct2 into struct2, replacing duplicate keys unless specified by the overwrite flag
StructClear() Removes all data from a structure.
StructCopy() Copies a structure. Copies top-level keys, values, and arrays in the structure by value; copies nested structures by reference.
StructCount() Counts the keys in a structure.
StructDelete() Removes an element from a structure.
StructEach() call the given UDF/Closure with every entry (key/value) in the struct.
StructEvery() This function calls a given closure/function with every element in a given struct and returns true, if all of the closure calls returns true.
StructFilter() This function creates a new Struct that returns all entries from an struct that match the given filter.
StructFind() Determines the value associated with a key in a structure.
StructFindKey() Searches recursively through a substructure of nested arrays, structures, and other elements, for structures whose values match the search key in the value parameter.
StructFindValue() Searches recursively through a substructure of nested arrays, structures, and other elements for structures with values that match the search key in the value parameter.
StructGet() Gets a structure(s) from a specified path.
StructInsert() Inserts a key-value pair into a structure.
StructIsEmpty() Determines whether a structure contains data.
StructKeyArray() Returns an array of the keys from a structure
StructKeyExists() Determines whether a specific key is present in a structure.
StructKeyList() Extracts keys from a struct.
StructKeyTranslate() Converts any struct keys with dot notation into nested structures
StructMap() Calls the given closure with every element in the given struct. the function returns a struct that contains all values returned by the closure.
StructNew() Creates an empty structure.
StructReduce() Iterates over every entry of the given struct and calls the closure with every key/value. This function will reduce the struct to a single value and will return this value.
StructSome() This function calls a closure/function on every element in a struct until one returns true.
StructSort() Returns a sorted array of the top level keys in a structure. Sorts using alphabetic or numeric sorting, and can sort based on the values of any structure element.
StructUpdate() Updates a key with a value.
StructValueArray() Returns an Array with the values of the Struct
SystemCacheClear() clears all caches or the specified cache
SystemOutput() writes the given string to the output stream.
Tan() Calculates the tangent of an angle that is entered in radians.
ThreadData() returns the root cfthread scope.
ThreadJoin() Makes the current thread wait until the thread or threads specified in the name attribute complete processing, or until the period specified in the timeout argument passes, before continuing processing. If you don't specify a timeout and thread you are joining to doesn't finish, the current thread also cannot finish processing
ThreadTerminate() Stops processing of the thread specified in the name attribute.
Throw() Throws a developer-specified exception, which can be caught with a cfcatch tag - Application Do not enter another predefined type; types are not generated by CFML applications. If you specify Application, you need not specify a type for cfcatch.
TimeFormat() Formats a time string to a given output
ToBase64() Calculates the Base64 representation of a string or binary object.
ToBinary() Calculates the binary representation of Base64-encoded data.
ToNumeric() Converts given value to a number
ToScript() Creates a JavaScript expression that assigns the value of a variable to a JavaScript variable. This function can convert strings, numbers, arrays, structures, and queries to JavaScript syntax that defines equivalent variables and values.
ToString() Converts a value to a string.
Trace() Displays and logs debugging data about the state of an application at the time this function executes.
TransactionCommit() commits a pending transaction
TransactionRollback() rolls back a pending transaction
TransactionSetSavePoint() Saves a specific state within a transaction
Trim() Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string.
TrimWhitespace() clean white space of the given string
TrueFalseFormat() True, for a non-zero value; False, otherwise.
UCase() Converts the alphabetic characters in a string to uppercase.
UcFirst() Capitalizes the first character of the given string.
UnserializeJava() literal definition of a serialized Java Object by function serialize
URLDecode() Decodes a URL-encoded string.
URLEncode() Encodes a string to be URL-safe according to the application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME format
URLEncodedFormat() Generates a URL-encoded string. For example, it replaces spaces with %20, and non-alphanumeric characters with equivalent hexadecimal escape sequences. Passes arbitrary strings within a URL.
URLSessionFormat() Encodes the URL with the CFTOKEN/CFID/JSESSIONID
Val() Converts numeric characters that occur at the beginning of a string to an number.
ValueArray() Returns an array of all the values, for a given column within the query. this function is deprecated, use instead the function queryColumnData
ValueList() Returns a list of all the values, for a given column within the query, delimited by the value given. this function is deprecated, use instead the function queryColumnData
valueref() creates a reference to a UDF that acts like a simple value.
WebserviceNew() create a Webservice Proxy object, a reference to a remote webservice
Week() From a date/time object, determines the week number within the year. An integer in the range 1-53; the ordinal of the week, within the year.
Wrap() Wraps text so that each line has a specified maximum number of characters.
WriteDump() Outputs the elements, variables and values of most kinds of CFML objects. Useful for debugging. You can display the contents of simple and complex variables, objects, components, user-defined functions, and other elements.
WriteLog() Writes a message to a log file.
WriteOutput() Writes the given string to the main response buffer regardless of conditions established by the cfsetting tag.
XmlChildPos() Gets the position of a child element within an XML document object.
XmlElemNew() Creates an XML document object element
XmlFormat() Escapes special XML characters in a string, so that the string is safe to use with XML.
XmlGetNodeType() Determines the type of an XML document object node.
XmlNew() Creates an XML document object.
XmlParse() Converts an XML document that is represented as a string variable into an XML document object.
XmlSearch() Uses an XPath language expression to search an XML document object.
XmlTransform() Applies an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) to an XML document object that is represented as a string variable. An XSLT converts an XML document to another format or representation by applying an Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) stylesheet to it.
XmlValidate() Uses a Document Type Definition (DTD) or XML Schema to validate an XML text document or an XML document object.
Year() From a date/time object, gets the year value.
YesNoFormat() Yes, for a non-zero value; No, otherwise.