
Converts a number to a string, formatted in the base specified by radix.

FormatBaseN( number=number, radix=number );

Returns: String

Argument Description
number, required

Number to convert

number, required

Base of the result


  #formatBaseN( 15, 2  )# <!--- 1111 (binary) --->
  #formatBaseN( 15, 16 )# <!--- f (hexadecimal) --->
  #formatBaseN( 15, 8  )# <!--- 17 (octal) --->

Max value limitation

Please note that the value to convert is limited to a maximum equal to java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE. Values greater than this will produce unexpected results. i.e.

<cfset max = CreateObject( "java", "java.lang.Integer" ).MAX_VALUE >
  #formatBaseN( max  , 16 )# <!---  7fffffff (correct) --->
  #formatBaseN( max+1, 16 )# <!---  7fffffff (incorrect) --->

See also