- Canonicalize() Canonicalization is simply the operation of reducing a possibly encoded string down to its simplest form. This is important, because attackers frequently use encoding to change their input in a way that will bypass validation filters, but still be interpreted properly by the target of the attack. Note that data encoded more than once is not something that a normal user would generate and should be regarded as an attack
- WebSocketInfo() This funcitons give me information about the current websocket server instance.
- <cfftp> Lets users implement File Transfer Protocol (FTP) operations.
- <cfhttp> Lets you execute HTTP POST and GET operations on files.
- <cfimap> Retrieves and deletes messages from an IMAP email server.
- <cfldap> Provides an interface to LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol directory servers like the Netscape Directory Server.
- <cfmail> Sends e-mail messages by an SMTP server.
- <cfpop> Retrieves and deletes e-mail messages from a POP mail server.
- Mail Listeners Learn how to define mail listeners in Lucee. This guide demonstrates how to set up global mail listeners in the Application.cfc file to listen to or manipulate every mail executed. Examples include defining listeners directly in Application.cfc and using a component as a mail listener.
- Sending Emails How to send an email using Lucee wth help of the tag cfmail.
- WebSocket Extension How to install, configure and create WebSockets