
Lucee S3 Extension Source Code https://github.com/lucee/extension-s3

The s3* functions listed below are optimised for use with S3, while you can use the file* functions, these S3 specific functions will perform better and may expose additional S3 specific functionality.

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Video: S3 for source code


  • EC2describeInstances() This function interfaces with the EC2 service to retrieve detailed information about specified EC2 instances. It supports custom filtering, specific instance IDs, regional targeting, and legacy mode handling.
  • GetVFSMetaData() Returns metadata about the Virtual File system (VFS)
  • s3clearBucket() Removes all objects from a bucket, unless maxage is set, in that case only objects that are older than maxage are removed.
  • s3copy() Copies an object in S3 from one bucket to an other.
  • s3createbucket() Creates a bucket on S3.
  • s3download() Downloads an object from an S3 bucket. It can save the object to a specified path, return its content directly, or process the content in parts through a provided closure or UDF (User-Defined Function).
  • s3exists() Checks if given object exists in
  • s3generatePresignedUrl() Generates a presigned URL pointing to the object given. You can provide the endpoint as a bucket/object definition (S3AddACL(bucket:"mybucket",object:"myobject.txt") ) or as a virtual filesystem path (S3AddACL(path:"s3://mybucket/myobject.txt") ).
  • s3getversioninfo() Returns version information as a query for a specific object or bucket.
  • s3listBucket() List all objects in a bucket
  • s3move() Moves an object in S3 from one bucket to an other.
  • s3read() Reads an object from S3 as a string.
  • s3readBinary() Reads an object from S3 as a binary.
  • s3upload() Uploads a file to S3.
  • s3write() Writes a value to S3.
  • StoreAddACL() Adds ACL to existing ACL for object or bucket. This function operates identically to "S3AddACL", making it deprecated. The updated function offers greater flexibility in defining the endpoint.
  • StoreGetACL() Returns an array of structures, with each structure representing an ACL (Access Control List) grant. This function operates identically to "S3GetACL", making it deprecated. The updated function offers greater flexibility in defining the endpoint.
  • StoreGetMetadata() Returns the metadata related to the object or bucket. This function operates identically to "S3GetMetaData", making it deprecated. The updated function offers greater flexibility in defining the endpoint.
  • StoreSetACL() Sets the ACL for object or bucket. This function operates identically to "S3SetACL", making it deprecated. The updated function offers greater flexibility in defining the endpoint.
  • StoreSetMetadata() Sets the metadata on bucket or object. This function operates identically to "S3SetMetaData", making it deprecated. The updated function offers greater flexibility in defining the endpoint.


  • File handling Provides access to File System Resources, this includes virtual file systems like ram, s3, git, ftp and ssh


See also