- ClearTimeZone() resets the timezone for the current request to Lucee default setting.
- GetLocale() Gets the current geographic/language locale value.
- GetLocaleDisplayName() Gets a locale value and displays the name in a manner that is appropriate to a specific locale. By default, gets the current locale in the current locale's language.
- GetLocaleInfo() returns info to a specific Locale
- LSCurrencyFormat() Formats a number in a locale-specific currency format.
- LSDateFormat() Formats a date string to a given output using the current sessions locale
- LSDateTimeFormat() Formats a date string to a given output using the current locale
- LSDayOfWeek() Returns the day of the week the date represents in locale format
- LSEuroCurrencyFormat() this function is just an alias for lsCurrencyFormat
- LSIsCurrency() Determines whether a string is a valid representation of a currency amount in the current locale.
- LSIsDate() Determines whether a string is a valid representation of a date/time value in the current locale.
- LSIsNumeric() Determines whether a string is a valid representation of a number in the current locale.
- LSLCase() Converts the alphabetic characters in a specified string to lowercase, respecting locale-specific casing rules. This is particularly important for languages where the standard lowercase conversion rules do not apply, ensuring accurate and culturally correct text processing. The function defaults to the current page's locale if no locale is specified
- LSNumberFormat() Formats a number to the given format mask in the current locale
- LSParseCurrency() Converts a locale-specific currency string into a formatted number. Attempts conversion by comparing the string with each the three supported currency formats (none, local, international) and using the first that matches.
- LSParseDateTime() Converts a string that is a valid date/time representation in the current locale into a date/time object.
- LSParseEuroCurrency() use function lsParseCurrency instead
- LSParseNumber() Converts a string that is a valid numeric representation in the current locale into a formatted number.
- LSTimeFormat() Formats a time string to a given output using the current locale.
- LSUCase() Converts the alphabetic characters in a specified string to uppercase, respecting locale-specific casing rules
- LsWeek() Returns the week number in the year of the date referenced, based on the local influence.
- SetLocale() Sets the country/language locale for CFML processing and the page returned to the client.
- SetTimeZone() change the timezone definition for the current request.
See also