Lucee Syntax

Lucee Server language & environment reference

CFML language in Lucee Server

Lucee Language and Syntax Differences

Member functions

Reserved Words


General deviations from CFML Standards

Directory Placeholders


CFML tags


CFML functions


UnSupported CFML

Unsupported Tags & Functions

Ideas for this page

Please feel free to add ideas and comments to this section, which will be created when the structure has been defined.

  • Lucee Server language & environment reference

    • Description of Lucee Server language features
    • Reserved words
    • General differences between ACF & Lucee Server
    • Tags
    • Functions
    • Application.cfc & application settings
  • Concepts

    • Application Lifecycle

    • Mail (i.e. cfmail, cfpop, cfimap, mail-related tips)

    • Caching

      • Template caching
      • Partial template caching
      • User caches
      • Query caching
      • Page pool

    Both currently on tips and tricks page.

    • Database access & datasources

    • Exception handling

    • Locking

    • Threading

    • Scheduling

    • Serialising data

    • Object-oriented CFML

      • Lucee Server magic functions
      • Implicit conversions
    • ORM

    • ReST Services

    • Event gateways

    • Using Lucee Server virtual filesystems

    • Lucee-Server-only concepts

      • Lucee Server resource bundles
      • Working with Resources and Mappings
    • Writing CFScript vs Tags

      • CFScript based tags
    • Closures

    • Member functions

    • Enhancing Lucee Server

    • Writing custom tags

      • in CFML
      • in CFScript
    • Creating built-in tags

    • Creating built-in functions

    • Extending Lucee Server with Java

      • Where to install external libraries
    • Extending Lucee Server with CFXs (deprecated really?)

    • Lucee Server Extensions

      • Using Lucee Server Extensions
        • Available extensions
        • CouchDB
        • Membase
        • MongoDB
        • Infinispan
        • etc
      • Building your own extensions
    • Creating your own Event Gateway types

  • Practices

    • Integration with other systems, e.g. databases, message queues & search engines
    • Design patterns
    • Best practices / architectural patterns
    • Using scopes explicitly in code
    • Secure development
    • Unit testing & continuous integration
    • Debugging
    • Changing dump template
    • Editors & IDEs
  • Tutorials & samples

    • Using Java libraries in Lucee Server
    • Sample applications
    • Examplar code samples