
This function works the same way as RedisCommand with only one difference. In case the connection pool is down to one free connection. The thread will wait for at least one connection more get free. So this command will not use the last connection available.

Requires Extension: Redis driver

RedisCommandLowPriority( arguments=any, async=boolean, listener=any, cache=string );

Returns: any

Argument Description Default
any, required

arguments you wanna pass, can be a string or a string array.

boolean, optional

Execute the command in a separate thread, if set to true pass a listener to get the result of the errors.


any, optional

Listener only used when argument async is set to true. This can be a component or a struct containing functions with the following names.

  • onSucess(result) to get the result of a successful execution.
  • onError(exception) to get the exception in case of an error.

Alias: component, cfc

string, optional

name of the cache to use, this must be a redis cache.

Alias: cacheName


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See also