
Tests whether a value meets a validation or data type rule.

IsValid( type=string, value=any, min_or_pattern=any, max=any );

Returns: Boolean

Argument Description
string, required

The valid format for the data; one of the following:

  • any - any simple value. Returns false for complex values, such as query objects; equivalent to the IsSimpleValue function.
  • array - an array; equivalent to the IsArray function.
  • binary - a binary value; equivalent to the IsBinary function.
  • boolean - a boolean value; equivalent to the IsBoolean function.
  • component - a component (CFC).
  • creditcard - a 13-16 digit number conforming to the mod10 algorithm.
  • date or time - any date-time value, including dates or times; equivalent to the IsDate function.
  • email - a string containing a valid email address.
  • eurodate - this functionality is only supported for compatibility reason, we do not suggest to use this functionality. Use instead function isDate or lsIsDate. A date in the form d/m/y, d-m-y, or d.m.y. The m and d format can be 1 or 2 digits; y can be 2 or 4 digits.
  • float or numeric - a numeric value; equivalent to the IsNumeric function.
  • guid - a Globally Unique Identifier in the format XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX where X is a hexadecimal number.
  • integer - an integer.
  • query - a query object; equivalent to the IsQuery function.
  • range - a numeric range, specified by the min and max attributes.
  • regex or regular_expression - matches input against pattern attribute.
  • ssn or social_security_number - A U.S. social security number.
  • string - a string value, including single characters and numbers
  • struct - a structure; equivalent to the IsStruct function.
  • telephone - a standard US telephone number.
  • URL - an http, https, ftp, file, mailto, or news URL,
  • UUID - a Universally Unique Identifier in the format XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, where X is a hexadecimal number. See CreateUUID.
  • USdate - this functionality is only supported for compatibility reason, we do not suggest to use this functionality. Use instead function isDate or lsIsDate. A U.S. date of the format mm/dd/yy, with 1-2 digit days and months, 1-4 digit years.
  • variableName - a string formatted according to ColdFusion variable naming conventions.
  • zipcode - U.S., 5- or 9-digit format ZIP codes.
any, required

The value to test.

any, optional

The minimum valid value; used only for range validation or a JavaScript regular expression that the parameter must match; used only for regex or regular_expression validation.

Alias: min, pattern

any, optional

The maximum valid value; used only for range validation.


<cfset anArray = []>
<cfset boolean = true>
<cfset email = "">
<cfset guid = createGUID()>
<cfset integer = 15>
<cfset string = "Hello World">
<cfset http_url = "">
<cfset uuid = createUUID()>

<cfoutput> Array: #isValid('array', anArray)#<br> Boolean: #isValid('boolean', boolean)#<br> Email: #isValid('email', email)#<br> GUID: #isValid("guid", guid)#<br> Integer: #isValid("integer", integer)#<br> String: #isValid("string", string)#<br> URL: #isValid("url", http_url )#<br> UUID: #isValid("uuid", uuid)# </cfoutput>

See also