- BundleInfo() if the given object is loaded by an OSGi bundle, this function is returning information about that bundle
- ConfigImport() Imports configuration using the "CFConfig.json" format.
- CtCacheClear() flush the custom tag path cache
- CtCacheList() list elements in the custom tag path cache
- DbPoolClear() clears all existing datasource connection
- EC2describeInstances() This function interfaces with the EC2 service to retrieve detailed information about specified EC2 instances. It supports custom filtering, specific instance IDs, regional targeting, and legacy mode handling.
- ExtensionExists() Checks if a certain extension exists or not.
- ExtensionList() Checks if a certain extension exists or not.
- GetBuiltInFunction() return a build in function as an object, matching the given name, throws an exception when the function does not exist.
- GetClassPath() returns an array containing the Java classpath of the current environment.
- GetContextInfo() Returns information about the current context.
- GetCPUUsage() returns the CPU usage for a defined time range (default: 1000ms).
- GetFreeSpace() Returns the number of unallocated bytes in the partition named by this abstract path name.
- GetFunctionCalledName() Returns the name of variable used to call the current function
- GetFunctionData() Returns information about a built in function (BIF)
- GetFunctionKeywords() returns all keywords defined with all functions
- GetFunctionList() Returns all the currently registered functions
- GetLocalHostIP() Returns the localhost IP address, which is for IPv4 and ::1 for IPv6 addresses.
- GetMemoryUsage() Returns detailed information to the memory usage of the container.
- GetMetricData() Gets server performance metrics.
- GetPageContext() Gets the current PageContext object that provides access to page attributes and configuration, request and response objects.
- GetSystemFreeMemory() The amount of memory that is currently free, in bytes.
- GetSystemTotalMemory() The amount of memory that is available to the operating system, in bytes.
- GetTagData() Returns Information about a Tag as Struct
- GetTagList() Returns a struct containing all the Tags supported by Lucee.
- GetTotalSpace() Returns the size of the partition named by this abstract pathname.
- InspectTemplates() Flag all the cfml code (cfm, cfcs) in the cache of compiled code (aka the Page Pool) to be checked once for any changes.
- internalRequest() Makes a request to the CFML Engine internally.
- LogAllThreads() Creates detailed thread stack trace logs in JSONL format for performance analysis and debugging. This function captures stack traces from all running threads at specified intervals for a given duration. It executes asynchronously, returning immediately after starting the logging process, making it ideal for analyzing specific code segments by initiating logging just before the target code execution
- PagePoolClear() Clear out all the cfml code (cfm, cfcs) in the cache of compiled code (aka the Page Pool)
- PagePoolList() Lists all the cfml code (cfm, cfcs) in the cache of compiled code (aka the Page Pool)
- SSLCertificateInstall() install certificates of a specific host
- SSLCertificateList() Returns a list of SSL certificates. If a host is specified, it lists the certificates available for that specific host. If no host is specified, it lists all certificates stored in the KeyStore.
- SystemCacheClear() clears all caches or the specified cache
- <cflock> Provides two types of locks to ensure the integrity of shared data: Exclusive lock and Read-only lock.
- <cfobjectcache> Flushes an object cache or returns the current size.
- <cfregistry> Reads, writes, and deletes keys and values in the system registry. The cfregistry tag is supported on all platforms, including Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX.
- Automatic monitoring and applying CFConfig changes Automatically check for changes in your configuration file with Lucee.
- Configuration - CFConfig.json Best practices for configuring Lucee in various environments.
- Configuration Lucee 5 Best practices for configuring Lucee 5 environments.
- Configuration: Lucee web.xml How to configure Tomcat's web.xml for Lucee
- Configure Lucee within your Application How to configure Lucee within your application using Administrator.cfc and cfadmin tag.
- Configuring Regional Settings Lucee by default, uses the JVM's default timezone, which comes from the operating system.
- Creating and deploying Lucee Archives (.lar files) This document explains how to deploy an Application on a live server without using a single CFML file.
- Datasources How to define a Datasource in Lucee.
- Define a mapping All about the different mappings in Lucee and how to use them.
- Deploying Lucee Lucee Security Best Practices Lockdown Guide Locking Down Tomcat ## The deploy folder There is a `/deploy` folder under the `/lucee-server/` folder which can be used to customize Lucee . The `/deploy` folder is polled on startup and every 60 seconds by Lucee's Controller thread. It looks for `
- Docker Guide on using and running Lucee with Docker
- Environment Variables / System Properties for Lucee This document gives you an overview over all Environment Variables an System Properties you can set for Lucee.
- Externalize strings Externalize strings from generated class files to separate files. This method is used to reduce the memory of the static contents for templates.
- File Extensions Learn about the different file extensions supported by Lucee, including .cfm, .cfc, .cfml, and .cfs. This guide provides examples for each type of file.
- Locking Down Lucee Security best practises to lock down your Lucee server
- Locking Down Tomcat Restricting Access to Tomcat's Web Server
- Logging How to configure and customize logging
- Monitoring/Debugging Learn about the changes in Lucee 6.1 regarding Monitoring and Debugging. Understand the old and new behavior, and how to configure the settings in Lucee Admin and Application.cfc.
- onBuild Function in Server.cfc The onBuild function in Server.cfc is used for tasks during the build phase in Lucee, particularly useful in Docker environments.
- Precompiled How to pre-compile code for a production server while the source code is deployed to avoid compilation on the production server for security reasons.
- Request Timeout Learn how to use request timeout correctly with Lucee.
- Securing /WEB-INF/ by moving it outside of the web root By default, Lucee places its web-context configuration and data files in a folder named WEB-INF within the web root of each website.
- Session Handling in Lucee Comprehensive guide on session handling and configuration in Lucee, including session types, storage options, and security considerations.
- Single Mode vs Multi Mode Understanding the differences between single mode and multi mode in Lucee.
- Startup Listeners: Server.cfc and Web.cfc Lucee supports two types of Startup Listeners: Server.cfc and Web.cfc.
- Supercharge your website This document explains how you can improve the performance of your website in a very short time with Lucee.
- SystemOutput, writing to the console This document explains the systemoutput function with some simple examples.
- Using S3 directly for source code Using S3 directly for source code