- BundleInfo() if the given object is loaded by an OSGi bundle, this function is returning information about that bundle
- ComponentCacheClear() flush the component path cache
- ConfigImport() Imports configuration using the "CFConfig.json" format.
- CtCacheClear() flush the custom tag path cache
- CtCacheList() list elements in the custom tag path cache
- DbPoolClear() clears all existing datasource connection
- EC2describeInstances() This function interfaces with the EC2 service to retrieve detailed information about specified EC2 instances. It supports custom filtering, specific instance IDs, regional targeting, and legacy mode handling.
- ExtensionExists() Checks if a certain extension exists or not.
- ExtensionList() Checks if a certain extension exists or not.
- GetBuiltInFunction() return a build in function as an object, matching the given name, throws an exception when the function does not exist.
- GetClassPath() returns an array containing the Java classpath of the current environment.
- GetContextInfo() Returns information about the current context.
- GetContextRoot() Returns path to the J2EE server context root for the current request.
- GetCPUUsage() returns the CPU usage for a defined time range (default: 1000ms).
- GetFreeSpace() Returns the number of unallocated bytes in the partition named by this abstract path name.
- GetFunctionCalledName() Returns the name of variable used to call the current function
- GetFunctionData() Returns information about a built in function (BIF)
- GetFunctionKeywords() returns all keywords defined with all functions
- GetFunctionList() Returns all the currently registered functions
- GetLocalHostIP() Returns the localhost IP address, which is for IPv4 and ::1 for IPv6 addresses.
- GetMemoryUsage() Returns detailed information to the memory usage of the container.
- GetMetricData() Gets server performance metrics.
- GetPageContext() Gets the current PageContext object that provides access to page attributes and configuration, request and response objects.
- GetSystemFreeMemory() The amount of memory that is currently free, in bytes.
- GetSystemPropOrEnvVar() Return the list of supported system properties or env vars Lucee supports.
- GetSystemTotalMemory() The amount of memory that is available to the operating system, in bytes.
- GetTagData() Returns Information about a Tag as Struct
- GetTagList() Returns a struct containing all the Tags supported by Lucee.
- GetTotalSpace() Returns the size of the partition named by this abstract pathname.
- GetVFSMetaData() Returns metadata about the Virtual File system (VFS)
- InspectTemplates() Flag all the cfml code (cfm, cfcs) in the cache of compiled code (aka the Page Pool) to be checked once for any changes.
- internalRequest() Makes a request to the CFML Engine internally.
- IsInThread() Determines whether the executing code is inside a cfthread or not.
- LogAllThreads() Creates detailed thread stack trace logs in JSONL format for performance analysis and debugging. This function captures stack traces from all running threads at specified intervals for a given duration. It executes asynchronously, returning immediately after starting the logging process, making it ideal for analyzing specific code segments by initiating logging just before the target code execution
- PagePoolClear() Clear out all the cfml code (cfm, cfcs) in the cache of compiled code (aka the Page Pool)
- PagePoolList() Lists all the cfml code (cfm, cfcs) in the cache of compiled code (aka the Page Pool)
- SSLCertificateInstall() install certificates of a specific host
- SSLCertificateList() Returns a list of SSL certificates. If a host is specified, it lists the certificates available for that specific host. If no host is specified, it lists all certificates stored in the KeyStore.
- SystemCacheClear() clears all caches or the specified cache
- <cflock> Provides two types of locks to ensure the integrity of shared data: Exclusive lock and Read-only lock.
- <cfobjectcache> Flushes an object cache or returns the current size.
- <cfprocessingdirective> Sets compiler directives that affect the entire template. Unlike most CFML tags, cfprocessingdirective is processed at compile time and must be placed at the root level of your template.
- <cfregistry> Reads, writes, and deletes keys and values in the system registry. The cfregistry tag is supported on all platforms, including Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX.
- <cfsetting> Controls various aspects of page processing, such as the output of HTML code in pages. One benefit of this option is managing whitespace that can occur in output pages served by CFML.
- Automatic monitoring and applying CFConfig changes Automatically check for changes in your configuration file with Lucee.
- Configuration - CFConfig.json Best practices for configuring Lucee in various environments.
- Configuration Lucee 5 Best practices for configuring Lucee 5 environments.
- Configuration: Lucee web.xml How to configure Tomcat's web.xml for Lucee
- Configure Lucee within your Application How to configure Lucee within your application using Administrator.cfc and cfadmin tag.
- Configuring Regional Settings Lucee by default, uses the JVM's default timezone, which comes from the operating system.
- Creating and deploying Lucee Archives (.lar files) This document explains how to deploy an Application on a live server without using a single CFML file.
- Datasources How to define a Datasource in Lucee.
- Define a mapping All about the different mappings in Lucee and how to use them.
- Deploying Lucee Lucee Security Best Practices Lockdown Guide Locking Down Tomcat ## The deploy folder There is a `/deploy` folder under the `/lucee-server/` folder which can be used to customize Lucee . The `/deploy` folder is polled on startup and every 60 seconds by Lucee's Controller thread. It looks for `
- Docker Guide on using and running Lucee with Docker
- Environment Variables / System Properties for Lucee This document gives you an overview over all Environment Variables an System Properties you can set for Lucee.
- Externalize strings Externalize strings from generated class files to separate files. This method is used to reduce the memory of the static contents for templates.
- File Extensions Learn about the different file extensions supported by Lucee, including .cfm, .cfc, .cfml, and .cfs. This guide provides examples for each type of file.
- Locking Down Lucee Security best practises to lock down your Lucee server
- Locking Down Tomcat Restricting Access to Tomcat's Web Server
- Logging How to configure and customize logging
- Monitoring/Debugging Learn about the changes in Lucee 6.1 regarding Monitoring and Debugging. Understand the old and new behavior, and how to configure the settings in Lucee Admin and Application.cfc.
- onBuild Function in Server.cfc The onBuild function in Server.cfc is used for tasks during the build phase in Lucee, particularly useful in Docker environments.
- Precompiled How to pre-compile code for a production server while the source code is deployed to avoid compilation on the production server for security reasons.
- Request Timeout Learn how to use request timeout correctly with Lucee.
- Securing /WEB-INF/ by moving it outside of the web root By default, Lucee places its web-context configuration and data files in a folder named WEB-INF within the web root of each website.
- Session Handling in Lucee Comprehensive guide on session handling and configuration in Lucee, including session types, storage options, and security considerations.
- Single Mode vs Multi Mode Understanding the differences between single mode and multi mode in Lucee.
- Startup Listeners: Server.cfc and Web.cfc Lucee supports two types of Startup Listeners: Server.cfc and Web.cfc.
- Supercharge your website This document explains how you can improve the performance of your website in a very short time with Lucee.
- SystemOutput, writing to the console This document explains the systemoutput function with some simple examples.
- Using S3 directly for source code Using S3 directly for source code
- Virtual File Systems Lucee supports the following virtual file systems: ram, file, s3, http, https, zip, and tar.