
Lists the directory and returns the list of files under it as array or query

DirectoryList( path=string, recurse=boolean, listInfo=string, filter=any, sort=string, type=string );

Returns: any

Argument Description
string, required

The absolute path of the directory to list the content from.

This can be any type of supported Virtual File Systems

Alias: absolute_path, absolutePath

boolean, optional

Specifies whether to include subdirectories in the listing.

If true, the content of all sub-directories is also included.

string, optional

Defines the return type of this function:

  • name: returns an array of names of files and directories.
  • path: returns an array of paths of files and directories. This is the default.
  • query: returns a query object.
any, optional

Specifies a filter to be used to filter the results:

  • A string that uses * as a wildcard, for example, *.cfm
  • UDF (User Defined Function) using the following pattern: boolean function(String path, String type, String ext). The function is run for every single file; if the function returns true, the file is included in the list; otherwise, it is omitted. Type is either File or Directory

Type and Ext arguments were added in Lucee 6.0

string, optional

Query columns by which to sort a directory listing. To use sort, "listInfo" must be set to "query"!

Delimited list of columns from query output.

Sorting is case sensitive.

To qualify a column, use one of the following values:

  • asc: ascending (a to z) sort order. Default
  • desc: descending (z to a) sort order.
string, optional

type of the result returned:

  • file: includes only filenames
  • dir: includes only directory names
  • all: includes both filenames and directory names

Usage Notes

The Unix mode column was not populated prior to Lucee 6.1


To return an array of file paths that end with the substring .log from a the directory /var/data:

directoryList("/var/data", false, "path", function(path){ return arguments.path.hasSuffix(".log"); })

See also