

  • ACos() Returns the angle whose cosine is the value passed as the argument.
  • ArrayMedian() Calculates the Median value of items in an array.
  • ASin() Determines the arcSine of a number. The arcSine is the angle whose sine is number.
  • Atn() ArcTangent function. The arcTangent is the angle whose tangent is number.
  • BitAnd() Performs a bitwise logical AND operation.
  • BitMaskClear() Performs a bitwise mask clear operation.
  • BitMaskRead() Performs a bitwise mask read operation.
  • BitMaskSet() Performs a bitwise mask set operation.
  • BitNot() Performs a bitwise logical NOT operation.
  • BitOr() Performs a bitwise logical OR operation.
  • BitSHLN() Performs a bitwise shift-left, no-rotation operation.
  • BitSHRN() Performs a bitwise shift-right, no-rotation operation.
  • BitXor() Performs a bitwise logical XOR operation.
  • Ceiling() Determines the closest integer that is greater than a specified number.
  • Cos() Calculates the cosine of an angle that is entered in radians. A number; the cosine of the angle.
  • Exp() Calculates the exponent whose base is e that represents number.
  • FormatBaseN() String Converts number to a string, in the base specified by radix. For example: #FormatBaseN(1024,16)#
  • InputBaseN() Converts string, using the base specified by radix, to an integer. For example: #InputBaseN("3ff",16)#
  • Log() Calculates the natural logarithm of a number. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e (2.71828182845904).
  • Log10() Calculates the logarithm of number, to base 10.
  • Pi() Gets the mathematical constant p, accurate to 15 digits. The number 3.14159265358979.
  • PrecisionEvaluate() Evaluates one or more string expressions.
  • RandRange() Generates a random integer between two specified numbers.
  • Sgn() Determines the sign of a number.
  • Sin() Calculates the sine of an angle that is entered in radians.
  • Sqr() Calculates the square root of a number.
  • Tan() Calculates the tangent of an angle that is entered in radians.


  • numeric.aCos() Returns the angle whose cosine is the value passed as the argument.
  • numeric.aSin() Determines the arcSine of a number. The arcSine is the angle whose sine is number.
  • numeric.atn() ArcTangent function. The arcTangent is the angle whose tangent is number.
  • numeric.bitAnd() Performs a bitwise logical AND operation.
  • numeric.bitMaskClear() Performs a bitwise mask clear operation.
  • numeric.bitMaskRead() Performs a bitwise mask read operation. Returns an integer, created from length bits of number, beginning at start.
  • numeric.bitMaskSet() Performs a bitwise mask set operation.
  • numeric.bitNot() Performs a bitwise logical NOT operation.
  • numeric.bitOr() Performs a bitwise logical OR operation.
  • numeric.bitSHLN() Performs a bitwise shift-left, no-rotation operation.
  • numeric.bitSHRN() Performs a bitwise shift-right, no-rotation operation.
  • numeric.bitXor() Performs a bitwise logical XOR operation.
  • numeric.ceiling() Determines the closest integer that is greater than a specified number.
  • numeric.cos() Calculates the cosine of an angle that is entered in radians. A number; the cosine of the angle.
  • numeric.exp() Calculates the exponent whose base is e that represents number. The constant e equals 2.71828182845904, the base of the natural logarithm. This function is the inverse of Log, the natural logarithm of number.
  • numeric.log() Calculates the natural logarithm of a number. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e (2.71828182845904).
  • numeric.log10() Calculates the logarithm of number, to base 10.
  • numeric.sgn() Determines the sign of a number.
  • numeric.sin() Calculates the sine of an angle that is entered in radians.
  • numeric.sqr() Calculates the square root of a number.
  • numeric.tan() Calculates the tangent of an angle that is entered in radians.



  • Mathematical Precision Learn about the switch from double to BigDecimal in Lucee 6 for more precise mathematical operations. This guide provides information on how to change the default behavior if needed.
  • Operators Mathematical, Logical, Ternary, Comparison, String and Elvis Operators