
Downloads an object from an S3 bucket. It can save the object to a specified path, return its content directly, or process the content in parts through a provided closure or UDF (User-Defined Function).

Requires Extension: S3 Resource Extension

s3download( bucketName=string, objectName=string, target=any, charset=string, accessKeyId=string, secretAccessKey=string, host=string, timeout=number );

Returns: any

Argument Description Default
string, required

Name of the bucket to download.

Alias: bucket

string, required

Name of the object to download.

Alias: object

any, optional

Optional. Defines the target where the downloaded data will be directed.

If a file path is provided, the data is saved to that path, the file path must be provided with help of the function "fileOpen" like this [fileOpen(path,"write")].

If a closure or function is given, it will be invoked with parts of the downloaded data as its argument. The function should accept a single argument named 'line' for line-by-line processing, 'string{Number}' for string blocks of a specified size, or 'binary{Number}' for binary blocks of a specified size.

The function should return a boolean value: returning false will stop further reading from S3, while true will continue the process.

If this argument is omitted, the function returns the downloaded data directly.

Alias: closure, udf, function, path, file

string, optional

charset to use to store the content.

string, optional

S3 accessKeyId, if not defined it checks the system property/environment variable for [lucee.s3.accesskeyid].

Alias: accessKey, awsAccessKeyId, awsAccessKey

string, optional

S3 secretAccessKey, if not defined it checks the system property/environment variable for [lucee.s3.secretaccesskey].

Alias: secretkey, awsSecretkey, awsSecretAccessKey

string, optional

The provider to connect, if not set Amazon AWS is used.

Alias: provider, server

number, optional

timeout for this execution



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See also