
Flag all the cfml code (cfm, cfcs) in the cache of compiled code (aka the Page Pool) to be checked once for any changes.

To be used when Inspect Templates is set to Never (Server/Web Administrator: Settings -> Performance/Caching)

This is more efficient than PagePoolClear() which simply clears the entire cache

Since 5.3.6

InspectTemplates( );

Returns: Boolean

This function does not take any arguments.

Usage Notes

In 5.3, this only clears the cache for the current Application, plus all Server and Web Context mappings.

Other Application caches are not cleared

This will be changed in Lucee 6


v = ListToArray(server.lucee.version,".");
	if ((v[1] >= 6) ||
			(v[1] >= 5 && v[2] >= 3 && v[3] >= 6) ||
			(v[1] == 5 && v[2] >= 4)){
	} else {
		echo (server.lucee.version);
		echo (" doesn't support InspectTemplates(), only 5.3.6+");

See also