Server 2003 and IIS6
Windows 2003 and IIS 6
Here's a guideline on how to install Lucee on Win2K3 with IIS6.
Select Windows version of the Lucee Server and download it from
Unizp or execute the file (depending if you selected .zip or .exe) and install it to c:\Lucee
Check if Lucee runs correctly by calling http://localhost:8600/index.cfm you should see the following:
If Lucee runs correctly IIS has to be configured. Go to Step 4.
If Lucee does not start, or you don't see the above screen, please try the following:
Check whether the service Lucee 2.0 runs
If the service runs, please check whether the firewall is blocking the server to run
If the service does not run, please execute the following command in the {lucee installation directory}
C:\Lucee>httpd.exe -Xms512M -Xmx512M -conf conf/resin.conf -java_home jre -java_exe jre\bin\java Then the reason for Lucee failing to start should be displayed
If Lucee still does not run function properly, it is time to write an email in the Lucee User Group
IIS and Resin need to mirror their configuration. So every host entry in the IIS (website) needs to reflect in the resin.conf found in the directory C:\Program Files\Lucee\conf You might need to enter following lines inside the
tag of the file:
<host id="<span style="color:#0000CC">""</span>"></span></host> <root-directory></span>d:/webroots/<span style="color:#000099"></root-directory></span> <span style="color:#000099"><web-app id="&lt;span style=&quot;color:#0000CC&quot;&gt;&quot;/&quot;&lt;/span&gt;" document-directory="&lt;span style=&quot;color:#0000CC&quot;&gt;&quot;d:/webroots/;&lt;/span&gt;"></web-app></span> <span style="color:#000099"></host></span><br></span></div></root-directory>
or to make it much more comfortable:
<host regexp="<span style="color:#0000CC">"(.+)"</span>"></span></host>
<root-directory></span>d:/webroots/$<span style="color:#000099">{</span>host.regexp[1]<span style="color:#000099">}</span><span style="color:#000099"></root-directory></span><br><span style="color:#000099"><web-app id="&lt;span style=&quot;color:#0000CC&quot;&gt;&quot;/&quot;&lt;/span&gt;" document-directory="&lt;span style=&quot;color:#0000CC&quot;&gt;&quot;d:/webroots/$&lt;span style=&quot;color:#000099&quot;&gt;{&lt;/span&gt;host.regexp[1]&lt;span style=&quot;color:#000099&quot;&gt;}&lt;/span&gt;&quot;&lt;/span&gt;"></web-app></span><br><span style="color:#000099"></host></span><br></span></div><br> In the second case resin determines with the help of a regular expression where to locate a certain webroot. So you only need to create a directory named d:\webroots\hostname and the setting is valid without having to restart the application server service. But I wouldn't recommend this kind of definition, because it can grant access to webroots without manually allowing it.<br><br></cluster></li></root-directory>
Set up a new website according to your needs by using the according wizard.
If not already existent, create a folder named scripts inside a common directory (eg. D:\webroots).
Copy the file C:\Program Files\Lucee\Wind32\isapi_srun.dll into the created directory
Inside the IIS management console navigate to the Web Service Extensions
Click on Add new Web service extension
Add the dll as a named extension and set it's status to Allowed Now your dll is an allowed extension you can use within the web site.
If you want to use Lucee globally with every website you create, right click on websites and follow the instructions below.
Click on "Web Sites" Properties
Click on Home Directory/Configuration
Add two Application Extension Mappings for .cfm and .cfc pointing to D:\webroots\scripts\isapi_srun.dll Please uncheck the Verify that file exists checkbox.
If you only want a certain webhost to act on .cfm and .cfc files with Lucee, you need to execute the above actions for the respective Website.
Save the configuration of the IIS to disk, by selection All tasks/Save Configuration to disk in the context menu of the IIS server
restart the IIS service All tasks/Restart IIS... Now the website should run with Lucee.
If you experience any issues with Lucee, please follow the instructions on the following documentation page: