
Returns a sorted array of the top level keys in a structure.

Sorts using alphabetic or numeric sorting, and can sort based on the values of any structure element.

StructSort( base=struct, sortTypeOrSortFunc=any, sortOrder=string, pathToSubElement=string );

Returns: Array

Argument Description Default
struct, required

A structure with one field (an associative array).

any, optional

Define one of the following:

  • numeric: sorts numbers
  • text: sorts text alphabetically, taking case into account (case sensitive)
  • textNoCase: sorts text alphabetically, without regard to case (case insensitive) or a function to be used as a comparator (introduced 6.2.1)

function(value1, value2, key1, key2)

Alias: sortType


string, optional

sort direction:

  • asc (default): ascending (a to z) sort order
  • desc: descending (z to a) sort order


string, optional

String or a variable that contains one

Alias: path


Non-Member Function

animals = {
	cow: {
		total: 12
	pig: {
		total: 5
	cat: {
		total: 3

// Show current animals Dump( label: "Current animals", var: animals );

// Show animals sorted by total Dump( label: "Animals sorted by total", var: StructSort(animals, "numeric", "asc", "total") );

Example using callback (Introduced in

myStruct={a="London",b="Paris",c="Berlin",d="New York",e="Dublin"};
  	// define callaback function
    function callback(e1, e2){
    	return compare(arguments.e1, arguments.e2);
	writeDump(var=myStruct,label="Befor sorting")
    writeDump(var=StructSort(myStruct,callback),label="After sorting");

See also