
execute any redis function without any interpretation from Lucee.

Requires Extension: Redis driver

RedisCommand( arguments=any, async=boolean, listener=any, cache=string );

Returns: any

Argument Description Default
any, required

arguments you wanna pass, can be a string or a string array.

boolean, optional

Execute the command in a separate thread, if set to true pass a listener to get the result of the errors.


any, optional

Listener only used when argument async is set to true. This can be a component or a struct containing functions with the following names.

  • onSucess(result) to get the result of a successful execution.
  • onError(exception) to get the exception in case of an error.

Alias: component, cfc

string, optional

name of the cache to use, this must be a redis cache.

Alias: cacheName


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See also