
Removes an element from a structure.

StructDelete( struct=struct, key=string, indicateNotExisting=boolean );

Returns: Boolean

Argument Description
struct, required

Structure contains element to remove.

Alias: structure, object

string, required

Element to remove

boolean, optional
  • true: if the key existed in the struct, StructDelete will return true; if the key did not exist in the struct, StructDelete will return false.
  • false (default): irrespective of whether the key existed in the struct, StructDelete will return true.

Alias: indicateExists


Non-Member Function

animals = {
	cow: "moo",
	pig: "oink",
	cat: "meow"

// Show current animals Dump( label: "Current animals", var: animals );

// Delete the key 'cat' from struct StructDelete(animals, "cat");

// Show animals, cat has been deleted Dump( label: "Animals with cat deleted", var: animals );

See also