File Extensions

File Extensions

Lucee supports several file extensions for different types of templates and components. The most common extensions are .cfm, .cfc, .cfml, and .cfs. Each serves a specific purpose in CFML development.


The .cfm extension is used for CFML templates. These files contain CFML code that is processed by the server to generate dynamic web pages.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>CFM Example</title>
    <cfset greeting = "Hello, World!">


The .cfc extension is used for CFML Components (CFCs). These files define reusable components that encapsulate functionality in methods, similar to classes in object-oriented programming.


component { public string function greet(string name) { return "Hello, " & name & "!"; } }


The .cfml extension is an alternative to .cfm and can be used for CFML templates. It serves the same purpose as .cfm but is less commonly used.


Since version 6.0, Lucee supports templates with the extension .cfs. These templates contain script code, similar to .js files in the JavaScript world. This allows you to write direct script code without the need for the <cfscript> tag.


writeOutput("Hello from a .cfs file!");

See also