Environment Variables / System Properties for Lucee

Environment Variables / System Properties for Lucee

Below is a list of environment variables and system properties you can set for the Lucee Server.

Important Settings

The following settings are very useful and important to know.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_ADMIN_ENABLED System Property: -Dlucee.admin.enabled Should the Lucee Admin be available or not.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_ADMIN_PASSWORD System Property: -Dlucee.admin.password Password used for the Lucee admin (when you run Lucee in multi mode, the password for the Server admin).

Environment Variable: LUCEE_DATASOURCE_POOL_VALIDATE System Property: -Dlucee.datasource.pool.validate If enabled, Lucee will validate existing datasource connections reused from the datasource pool before using them. This protects from exceptions caused by connections dropped by the DB server but creates additional communication between Lucee and the DB server.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_DEBUGGING_OPTIONS System Property: -Dlucee.debugging.options Debug options, a comma-separated list of the following possible debug options to enable:

  • database
  • exception
  • template
  • dump
  • tracing
  • timer
  • implicit-access
  • query-usage
  • max-records-logged

Environment Variable: LUCEE_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM System Property: -Dlucee.encryption.algorithm Default encryption algorithm used when none is specified. The default "cfmx_compat" is not cryptographically secure - strongly recommended to use "AES" instead. Valid values: CFMX_COMPAT, AES, BLOWFISH, DES

Environment Variable: LUCEE_EXTENSIONS System Property: -Dlucee.extensions Define a comma-separated list of Lucee extensions to install when starting up. This can be a simple list of IDs like this, then simply the latest versions get installed:

99A4EF8D-F2FD-40C8-8FB8C2E67A4EEEB6, 671B01B8-B3B3-42B9-AC055A356BED5281, 2BCD080F-4E1E-48F5-BEFE794232A21AF6

Or with more specific information like version and label (for better readability) like this:

99A4EF8D-F2FD-40C8-8FB8C2E67A4EEEB6;name=MSSQL;label=MS SQL Server;version=12.2.0.jre8, 671B01B8-B3B3-42B9-AC055A356BED5281;name=PostgreSQL;label=PostgreSQL;version=42.7.3, 2BCD080F-4E1E-48F5-BEFE794232A21AF6;name=JDTsSQL;label=jTDS (MSSQL);version=1.3.1

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LOGINSTORAGE_ITERATIONS System Property: -Dlucee.loginstorage.iterations Specifies the number of encryption iterations for loginstorage. The default is 0.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LOGINSTORAGE_PRIVATEKEY System Property: -Dlucee.loginstorage.privatekey A private key used to encrypt loginstorage. If not defined, a simple base64 encoding is used.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LOGINSTORAGE_SALT System Property: -Dlucee.loginstorage.salt The salt used for encrypting loginstorage. If no salt is defined, a hardcoded salt is used.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_PASSWORD_ENC_KEY System Property: -Dlucee.password.enc.key The private encryption key used by Lucee to encrypt passwords stored in the configuration, such as for datasources.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_CFID_URL_ALLOW (previously LUCEE_READ_CFID_FROM_URL) System Property: -Dlucee.cfid.url.allow (previously -Dlucee.read.cfid.from.url) Controls whether Lucee accepts CFID values from URL query strings. Set to false to enhance security by requiring CFIDs to be passed via cookies only. The previous property names are still supported for backward compatibility, but the new names are preferred starting with Lucee Setting this to false is strongly recommended for all production environments.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_CFID_URL_LOG System Property: -Dlucee.cfid.url.log When set to a log name, Lucee will log all instances where CFID is read from a URL parameter and used. The log includes URL, IP address, user agent, referrer, and stack trace in JSON format. This helps identify code that needs to be updated before URL-based CFID is disabled for security reasons.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_REQUESTTIMEOUT System Property: -Dlucee.requesttimeout A boolean value. If false, Lucee will disable request timeouts.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_REQUESTTIMEOUT_CONCURRENTREQUESTTHRESHOLD System Property: -Dlucee.requesttimeout.concurrentrequestthreshold Concurrent request threshold to enforce a request timeout. If a request reaches the timeout, Lucee will only enforce it if this threshold is also reached. For example, setting it to 100 means the timeout is enforced only if there are at least 99 other requests running.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_REQUESTTIMEOUT_CPUTHRESHOLD System Property: -Dlucee.requesttimeout.cputhreshold A floating-point number between 0 and 1. CPU threshold to enforce a request timeout. If a request reaches the timeout, Lucee will only enforce it if the CPU usage of the current core is at least the specified threshold. For example, setting it to 0.5 enforces the timeout if the CPU is at least 50%.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SERVER_DIR System Property: -Dlucee.server.dir Specifies the file directory for the Lucee server context.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_VERSION System Property: -Dlucee.version Defines the version of Lucee to load. For example, setting it to will load that version. If not available locally, Lucee will automatically download it from Maven.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_ADMIN_MODE="single|multi" System Property: -Dlucee.admin.mode This setting only applies to Lucee 6 (above, Lucee 6 can run in single mode or multi mode. In single mode, Lucee only has one set of configurations for the whole server. In multi mode, you have a base configuration for the whole server, but then every web context has its own configuration to override the base configuration. With Lucee 5, you only have multi mode and with Lucee 7, you only have single mode. By default, a new version of Lucee 6 with no .CFConfig.json provided that contains a mode:"single|multi" setting starts in single mode. When you update from Lucee 5, you start in multi mode. To change this behavior, you can set the environment variable LUCEE_ADMIN_MODE="single|multi" or system property -Dlucee.admin.mode="single|multi".

Environment Variable: LUCEE_ADMIN_MODE_DEFAULT="single|multi" System Property: -Dlucee.admin.mode.default This setting functions similarly to LUCEE_ADMIN_MODE, but it only affects the default behavior and can be overridden by any setting in .CFConfig.json.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_CASCADING_WRITE_TO_VARIABLES_LOG System Property: -Dlucee.cascading.write.to.variables.log This setting only applies to Lucee 6 (above Enables logging when variables are implicitly written to the variables scope (without an explicit scope definition). When set to a log level name (e.g., "application"), Lucee will log details about variables being assigned without explicit scope at the DEBUG level. This helps identify code that could be optimized by using proper variable scoping.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_CASCADING_WRITE_TO_VARIABLES_LOG System Property: -Dlucee.cascading.write.to.variables.log This setting only applies to Lucee 6 (above Enables logging when variables are implicitly written to the variables scope (without an explicit scope definition). When set to a log name (e.g., "application"), Lucee will log details about variables being assigned without explicit scope. The log level can be customized using the LUCEE_CASCADING_WRITE_TO_VARIABLES_LOGLEVEL setting. This helps identify code that could be optimized by using proper variable scoping. This setting excludes certain internal variables (_cfquery, _cflock, _thread) from being logged.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_CASCADING_WRITE_TO_VARIABLES_LOGLEVEL System Property: -Dlucee.cascading.write.to.variables.loglevel This setting only applies to Lucee 6 (above Specifies the log level for cascading write detection logs. Valid values are: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR. If not specified, the default level is DEBUG.

Breaking Changes

Major updates for Lucee can sometimes cause breaking changes. The settings below allow you to emulate the behavior of older Lucee versions in newer versions.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_QUERY_ALLOWEMPTYASNULL System Property: -Dlucee.query.allowemptyasnull

In Lucee 5, an empty string passed into a query parameter with a numeric type was interpreted as null. In Lucee 6, this is no longer accepted and throws an exception. You can simulate the old behavior by setting this environment variable or system property to true.

By setting the log level of the datasource log to warn, you will receive information in the log when the old behavior is used. This allows you to modify your code for the new behavior without encountering runtime issues with the existing code.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_DESERIALIZEJSON_ALLOWEMPTY System Property: -Dlucee.deserializejson.allowempty

In Lucee 5, an empty string passed into the function deserializeJson will return an empty string back. In Lucee 6, this is no longer accepted and throws an exception. You can simulate the old behavior by setting this environment variable or system property to true.

By setting the log level of the application log to warn, you will receive information in the log when the old behavior is used. This allows you to modify your code for the new behavior without encountering runtime issues with the existing code.

Regular Settings

Settings that are nice to know, but not that important.

Environment Variable: FELIX_LOG_LEVEL System Property: -Dfelix.log.level Log level for the Felix Framework (OSGi).

Environment Variable: LUCEE_ALLOW_COMPRESSION System Property: -Dlucee.allow.compression Allows compressing (GZIP) the HTTP response if the client explicitly supports it.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_APPLICATION_PATH_CACHE_TIMEOUT System Property: -Dlucee.application.path.cache.timeout Lucee caches the path information to the template; this defines the idle timeout for these cache elements in milliseconds.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_COMPILER_BLOCK_BYTECODE System Property: -Dlucee.compiler.block.bytecode Controls whether Lucee allows the direct execution of precompiled bytecode files (.cfm). Set to true to prevent bytecode execution, requiring all CFML files to be provided as source code.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_CASCADE_TO_RESULTSET System Property: -Dlucee.cascade.to.resultset When a variable has no scope defined (example: #myVar# instead of #variables.myVar#), Lucee will also search available resultsets (CFML Standard) or not.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_CLI_PRINTEXCEPTIONS System Property: -Dlucee.cli.printExceptions Print out exceptions within the CLI interface.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_ENABLE_WARMUP System Property: -Dlucee.enable.warmup Boolean to enable/disable Lucee warmup on start.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_EXTENSIONS_INSTALL System Property: -Dlucee.extensions.install A boolean value to enable/disable the installation of extensions.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_FULL_NULL_SUPPORT System Property: -Dlucee.full.null.support A boolean value to enable/disable full null support.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LIBRARY_ADDITIONAL_FUNCTION System Property: -Dlucee.library.additional.function Path to a directory for additional CFML-based functions Lucee should load to make these functions available in the application. For example, you create a file called length.cfm that looks like this:

function length(obj) {
    return len(obj);

Then you copy that file into that directory, and you can use the function length(any) in all your code like a built-in function.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LIBRARY_ADDITIONAL_TAG System Property: -Dlucee.library.additional.tag Path to a directory for additional CFML-based tags Lucee should load as globally available tags following the custom tag interface.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LIBRARY_DEFAULT_FUNCTION System Property: -Dlucee.library.default.function Path to a directory for CFML-based functions Lucee should load to make these functions available in the application. For example, you create a file called length.cfm that looks like this:

function length(obj) {
    return len(obj);

Then you copy that file into that directory, and you can use the function length(any) in all your code like a built-in function.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LIBRARY_DEFAULT_TAG System Property: -Dlucee.library.default.tag Path to a directory for CFML-based tags Lucee should load as globally available tags following the custom tag interface.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LIBRARY_DEFAULT_TLD System Property: -Dlucee.library.default.tld Tag Library Descriptor files (.tld or .tldx) Lucee should load to make these tags available in the application.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LISTENER_MODE System Property: -Dlucee.listener.mode Where/how does Lucee look for the Application Listener?

  • currenttoroot - looks for the file "Application.cfc/Application.cfm" from the current up to the webroot directory.
  • currentorroot - looks for the file "Application.cfc/Application.cfm" in the current directory and in the webroot directory.
  • root - looks for the file "Application.cfc/Application.cfm" only in the webroot.
  • current - looks for the file "Application.cfc/Application.cfm" only in the current template directory.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LISTENER_TYPE System Property: -Dlucee.listener.type Which kind of Application Listener is supported?

  • None - no listener at all.
  • Classical (CFML < 7) - Classic handling. Lucee looks for the file "Application.cfm" and a corresponding file "OnRequestEnd.cfm".
  • Modern - Modern handling. Lucee only looks for the file "Application.cfc".
  • Mixed (CFML >= 7) - Mixed handling. Lucee looks for a file "Application.cfm/OnRequestEnd.cfm" as well as for the file "Application.cfc".

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LISTENER_SINGELTON System Property: -Dlucee.listener.singelton Controls how Lucee manages Application.cfc instances (introduced in Lucee 7). When set to false (Classic behavior), Lucee creates a new Application.cfc instance for each request and executes the component body constructor every time. When set to true (Singleton behavior), the component loads only during startup or when the component template changes. Note: With singleton mode enabled, settings defined in the component body remain persistent between requests. Configuration changes should be made within listener functions like onApplicationStart, onSessionStart or onRequestStart.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LOGGING_MAIN System Property: -Dlucee.logging.main Name of the main logger used by Lucee, for example, a non-existing logger is defined.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_MAPPING_FIRST System Property: -Dlucee.mapping.first Let's say you have the following code:

<cfinclude template="/foo/bar/index.cfm">

And you have the following mappings defined:

  • /foo/bar
  • /foo

Then Lucee will look for /index.cfm in /foo/bar and for /bar/index.cfm in /foo and invoke the first index.cfm it finds, which could be in both mappings. If this setting is set to true, Lucee will only check /foo/bar for index.cfm.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_MVN_REPO_RELEASES System Property: -Dlucee.mvn.repo.releases Endpoint used by Lucee >= 6 to load releases, by default this is https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content/.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_MVN_REPO_SNAPSHOTS System Property: -Dlucee.mvn.repo.snapshots Endpoint used by Lucee >= 6 to load snapshots, by default this is https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_PAGEPOOL_MAXSIZE System Property: -Dlucee.pagePool.maxSize Max size of the template pool (page pool), the pool Lucee holds loaded .cfm/.cfc files. By default, this is 10000; no number smaller than 1000 is accepted.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_PRECISE_MATH System Property: -Dlucee.precise.math A boolean value. If enabled, this improves the accuracy of floating-point calculations but makes them slightly slower.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_PRESERVE_CASE System Property: -Dlucee.preserve.case A boolean value. If true, Lucee will not convert variable names used in "dot notation" to UPPER CASE.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_QUEUE_ENABLE System Property: -Dlucee.queue.enable A boolean value. If true, Lucee will enable the queue for requests.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_QUEUE_MAX System Property: -Dlucee.queue.max The maximum concurrent requests that the engine allows to run at the same time before the engine begins to queue the requests.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_QUEUE_TIMEOUT System Property: -Dlucee.queue.timeout The time in milliseconds a request is held in the queue. If the time is reached, the request is rejected with an exception. If you set it to 0 seconds, the request timeout is used instead.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_REQUEST_LIMIT_CONCURRENT_MAXNOSLEEP System Property: -Dlucee.request.limit.concurrent.maxnosleep The maximal number of threads that are allowed to be active on the server. If this is reached, requests get forced into a "nap" (defined by lucee.request.limit.concurrent.sleeptime).

Environment Variable: LUCEE_REQUEST_LIMIT_CONCURRENT_SLEEPTIME System Property: -Dlucee.request.limit.concurrent.sleeptime How long a request should "nap" in milliseconds if it reaches the lucee.request.limit.concurrent.maxnosleep.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_REQUESTTIMEOUT_MEMORYTHRESHOLD System Property: -Dlucee.requesttimeout.memorythreshold A floating-point number between 0 and 1. Memory threshold to enforce a request timeout. If a request reaches the request timeout, Lucee will only enforce that timeout if this threshold is also reached. For example, setting it to 0.5 enforces the timeout if the memory consumption of the server is at least 50%.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_RESOURCE_CHARSET System Property: -Dlucee.resource.charset Default character set for reading from/writing to various resources (files).

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SCRIPT_PROTECT System Property: -Dlucee.script.protect Script protect setting used by default. Consult the Lucee admin page /Settings/Request for details on possible settings.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SECURITY_LIMITEVALUATION System Property: -Dlucee.security.limitEvaluation A boolean value. If enabled, limits variable evaluation in functions/tags. If enabled, you cannot use expressions within [ ] like this: susi[getVariableName()]. This affects the following functions: IsDefined, structGet, empty and the following tags: savecontent attribute "variable".

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SSL_CHECKSERVERIDENTITY System Property: -Dlucee.ssl.checkserveridentity A boolean value. If enabled, checks the identity of the SSL certificate with SMTP.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_STATUS_CODE System Property: -Dlucee.status.code A boolean value. If disabled, returns a 200 status code to the client even if an uncaught exception occurs.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_STORE_EMPTY System Property: -Dlucee.store.empty A boolean value. If enabled, does not store empty sessions to the client or session storage.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SUPPRESS_WS_BEFORE_ARG System Property: -Dlucee.suppress.ws.before.arg A boolean value. If enabled, Lucee suppresses whitespace defined between the cffunction starting tag and the last cfargument tag. This setting is ignored when there is different output between these tags as whitespace.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SYSTEM_ERR System Property: -Dlucee.system.err Where is the error stream of the JVM sent? Possible values are:

  • null (the stream is ignored)
  • class:<class-name> - the data is sent to an instance of that class that must implement the java.io.PrintStream interface
  • file:<file-path> - an absolute path to a file name the stream is written to
  • log - stream is written to err.log in context/logs/

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SYSTEM_OUT System Property: -Dlucee.system.out Where is the out stream of the JVM sent? Possible values are:

  • null (the stream is ignored)
  • class:<class-name> - the data is sent to an instance of that class that must implement the java.io.PrintStream interface
  • file:<file-path> - an absolute path to a file name the stream is written to
  • log - stream is written to out.log in context/logs/

Environment Variable: LUCEE_TASKS_LIMIT System Property: -Dlucee.tasks.limit Defines the maximum number of elements that can be stored in the cfthread scope. Once this limit is reached, the oldest entries are automatically removed to make room for new ones. The default value is 10000.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_TEMPLATE_CHARSET System Property: -Dlucee.template.charset Default character set used to read templates (.cfm and .cfc files).

Environment Variable: LUCEE_TYPE_CHECKING System Property: -Dlucee.type.checking A boolean value. If enabled, Lucee enforces types defined in the code. If false, type definitions are ignored.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_UPLOAD_BLOCKLIST System Property: -Dlucee.upload.blocklist Default block list for the tag cffile action="upload". A comma-separated list of extensions that are allowed when uploading files via forms.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_USE_LUCEE_SSL_TRUSTSTORE System Property: -Dlucee.use.lucee.SSL.TrustStore Specifies the file location of the trust store that contains trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) for SSL/TLS connections in Java applications.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_WEB_CHARSET System Property: -Dlucee.web.charset Default character set for output streams, form-, URL-, and CGI scope variables, and reading/writing the header.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_CONTROLLER_GC System Property: -Dlucee.controller.gc Default false, previously Lucee always ran a System.GC() every 5 minutes, available since 6.2.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_URL_ENCODEALLOWPLUS System Property: -Dlucee.url.encodeAllowPlus Lucee before 6.2 would attempt to re-encode a url param which contained a space. If the url param was already encoded, it would trigger re-encoding the param again, breaking it. This was avoidable previously by using cfhttp encodeurl=false, set to false to enable previous behaviour.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_DUMP_THREADS System Property: -Dlucee.dump.threads Used for debugging, when enabled, it will dump out running threads to the console via the background controller thread.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SCOPE_LOCAL_CAPACITY System Property: -Dlucee.scope.local.capacity Sets the initial capacity (size) for the local scope hashmap.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SCOPE_ARGUMENTS_CAPACITY System Property: -Dlucee.scope.arguments.capacity Sets the initial capacity (size) for the arguments scope hashmap.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_CACHE_VARIABLEKEYS System Property: -Dlucee.cache.variableKeys Sets the max number of variable names (keys) to cache.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_THREADS_MAXDEFAULT System Property: -Dlucee.threads.maxDefault Sets the default max number of parallel threads, default 20.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_DEBUGGING_MAXPAGEPARTS System Property: -Dlucee.debugging.maxPageParts Maximum number of debugging page parts (executionLogs to output), 0 to disable max limit.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LOGGING_FORCE_APPENDER System Property: -Dlucee.logging.force.appender If set, override the default log4j appender, which is usually resource (log files), use console to log all logs to console

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LOGGING_FORCE_LEVEL System Property: -Dlucee.logging.force.level If set, override the default log4j log level for all logs, which is usually ERROR

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SESSIONCOOKIE_ROTATE_UNKNOWN System Property: -Dlucee.sessionCookie.rotate.unknown Default true, when false, unknown cfml session cookies won't be automatically rotated

Edge Case Settings

These settings are normally not needed in a regular environment.

Environment Variable: FELIX_LOG_LEVEL System Property: -Dfelix.log.level Log level for the Felix Framework (OSGi).

Environment Variable: LUCEE_ALLOW_COMPRESSION System Property: -Dlucee.allow.compression Allows compressing (GZIP) the HTTP response if the client explicitly supports it.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_APPLICATION_PATH_CACHE_TIMEOUT System Property: -Dlucee.application.path.cache.timeout Lucee caches the path information to the template; this defines the idle timeout for these cache elements in milliseconds.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_CASCADE_TO_RESULTSET System Property: -Dlucee.cascade.to.resultset When a variable has no scope defined (example: #myVar# instead of #variables.myVar#), Lucee will also search available resultsets (CFML Standard) or not.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_CLI_PRINTEXCEPTIONS System Property: -Dlucee.cli.printExceptions Print out exceptions within the CLI interface.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_ENABLE_WARMUP System Property: -Dlucee.enable.warmup Boolean to enable/disable Lucee warmup on start.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_EXTENSIONS_INSTALL System Property: -Dlucee.extensions.install A boolean value to enable/disable the installation of extensions.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_FULL_NULL_SUPPORT System Property: -Dlucee.full.null.support A boolean value to enable/disable full null support.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LIBRARY_ADDITIONAL_FUNCTION System Property: -Dlucee.library.additional.function Path to a directory for additional CFML-based functions Lucee should load to make these functions available in the application. For example, you create a file called length.cfm that looks like this:

function length(obj) {
    return len(obj);

Then you copy that file into that directory, and you can use the function length(any) in all your code like a built-in function.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LIBRARY_ADDITIONAL_TAG System Property: -Dlucee.library.additional.tag Path to a directory for additional CFML-based tags Lucee should load as globally available tags following the custom tag interface.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LIBRARY_DEFAULT_FUNCTION System Property: -Dlucee.library.default.function Path to a directory for CFML-based functions Lucee should load to make these functions available in the application. For example, you create a file called length.cfm that looks like this:

function length(obj) {
    return len(obj);

Then you copy that file into that directory, and you can use the function length(any) in all your code like a built-in function.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LIBRARY_DEFAULT_TAG System Property: -Dlucee.library.default.tag Path to a directory for CFML-based tags Lucee should load as globally available tags following the custom tag interface.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LIBRARY_DEFAULT_TLD System Property: -Dlucee.library.default.tld Tag Library Descriptor files (.tld or .tldx) Lucee should load to make these tags available in the application.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LISTENER_MODE System Property: -Dlucee.listener.mode Where/how does Lucee look for the Application Listener?

  • currenttoroot - looks for the file "Application.cfc/Application.cfm" from the current up to the webroot directory.
  • currentorroot - looks for the file "Application.cfc/Application.cfm" in the current directory and in the webroot directory.
  • root - looks for the file "Application.cfc/Application.cfm" only in the webroot.
  • current - looks for the file "Application.cfc/Application.cfm" only in the current template directory.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LISTENER_TYPE System Property: -Dlucee.listener.type Which kind of Application Listener is supported?

  • None - no listener at all.
  • Classical (CFML < 7) - Classic handling. Lucee looks for the file "Application.cfm" and a corresponding file "OnRequestEnd.cfm".
  • Modern - Modern handling. Lucee only looks for the file "Application.cfc".
  • Mixed (CFML >= 7) - Mixed handling. Lucee looks for a file "Application.cfm/OnRequestEnd.cfm" as well as for the file "Application.cfc".

Environment Variable: LUCEE_LOGGING_MAIN System Property: -Dlucee.logging.main Name of the main logger used by Lucee, for example, a non-existing logger is defined.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_MAPPING_FIRST System Property: -Dlucee.mapping.first Let's say you have the following code:

<cfinclude template="/foo/bar/index.cfm">

And you have the following mappings defined:

  • /foo/bar
  • /foo

Then Lucee will look for /index.cfm in /foo/bar and for /bar/index.cfm in /foo and invoke the first index.cfm it finds, which could be in both mappings. If this setting is set to true, Lucee will only check /foo/bar for index.cfm.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_MVN_REPO_RELEASES System Property: -Dlucee.mvn.repo.releases Endpoint used by Lucee >= 6 to load releases. By default, this is https://oss.sonatype.org/service/local/repositories/releases/content/.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_MVN_REPO_SNAPSHOTS System Property: -Dlucee.mvn.repo.snapshots Endpoint used by Lucee >= 6 to load snapshots. By default, this is https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_PAGEPOOL_MAXSIZE System Property: -Dlucee.pagePool.maxSize Max size of the template pool (page pool), the pool Lucee holds loaded .cfm/.cfc files. By default, this is 10000; no number smaller than 1000 is accepted.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_PRECISE_MATH System Property: -Dlucee.precise.math A boolean value. If enabled, this improves the accuracy of floating-point calculations but makes them slightly slower.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_PRESERVE_CASE System Property: -Dlucee.preserve.case A boolean value. If true, Lucee will not convert variable names used in "dot notation" to UPPER CASE.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_QUEUE_ENABLE System Property: -Dlucee.queue.enable A boolean value. If true, Lucee will enable the queue for requests.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_QUEUE_MAX System Property: -Dlucee.queue.max The maximum concurrent requests that the engine allows to run at the same time before the engine begins to queue the requests.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_QUEUE_TIMEOUT System Property: -Dlucee.queue.timeout The time in milliseconds a request is held in the queue. If the time is reached, the request is rejected with an exception. If you set it to 0 seconds, the request timeout is used instead.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_REQUEST_LIMIT_CONCURRENT_MAXNOSLEEP System Property: -Dlucee.request.limit.concurrent.maxnosleep The maximal number of threads that are allowed to be active on the server. If this is reached, requests get forced into a "nap" (defined by lucee.request.limit.concurrent.sleeptime).

Environment Variable: LUCEE_REQUEST_LIMIT_CONCURRENT_SLEEPTIME System Property: -Dlucee.request.limit.concurrent.sleeptime How long a request should "nap" in milliseconds if it reaches the lucee.request.limit.concurrent.maxnosleep.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_REQUESTTIMEOUT_MEMORYTHRESHOLD System Property: -Dlucee.requesttimeout.memorythreshold A floating-point number between 0 and 1. Memory threshold to enforce a request timeout. If a request reaches the request timeout, Lucee will only enforce that timeout if this threshold is also reached. For example, setting it to 0.5 enforces the timeout if the memory consumption of the server is at least 50%.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_RESOURCE_CHARSET System Property: -Dlucee.resource.charset Default character set for reading from/writing to various resources (files).

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SCRIPT_PROTECT System Property: -Dlucee.script.protect Script protect setting used by default. Consult the Lucee admin page /Settings/Request for details on possible settings.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SECURITY_LIMITEVALUATION System Property: -Dlucee.security.limitEvaluation A boolean value. If enabled, limits variable evaluation in functions/tags. If enabled, you cannot use expressions within [ ] like this: susi[getVariableName()]. This affects the following functions: IsDefined, structGet, empty and the following tags: savecontent attribute "variable".

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SSL_CHECKSERVERIDENTITY System Property: -Dlucee.ssl.checkserveridentity A boolean value. If enabled, checks the identity of the SSL certificate with SMTP.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_STATUS_CODE System Property: -Dlucee.status.code A boolean value. If disabled, returns a 200 status code to the client even if an uncaught exception occurs.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_STORE_EMPTY System Property: -Dlucee.store.empty A boolean value. If enabled, does not store empty sessions to the client or session storage.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SUPPRESS_WS_BEFORE_ARG System Property: -Dlucee.suppress.ws.before.arg A boolean value. If enabled, Lucee suppresses whitespace defined between the cffunction starting tag and the last cfargument tag. This setting is ignored when there is different output between these tags as whitespace.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SYSTEM_ERR System Property: -Dlucee.system.err Where is the error stream of the JVM sent? Possible values are:

  • null (the stream is ignored)
  • class: - the data is sent to an instance of that class that must implement the java.io.PrintStream interface
  • file: - an absolute path to a file name the stream is written to
  • log - stream is written to err.log in context/logs/

Environment Variable: LUCEE_SYSTEM_OUT System Property: -Dlucee.system.out Where is the out stream of the JVM sent? Possible values are:

  • null (the stream is ignored)
  • class: - the data is sent to an instance of that class that must implement the java.io.PrintStream interface
  • file: - an absolute path to a file name the stream is written to
  • log - stream is written to out.log in context/logs/

Environment Variable: LUCEE_TEMPLATE_CHARSET System Property: -Dlucee.template.charset Default character set used to read templates (.cfm and .cfc files).

Environment Variable: LUCEE_TYPE_CHECKING System Property: -Dlucee.type.checking A boolean value. If enabled, Lucee enforces types defined in the code. If false, type definitions are ignored.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_UPLOAD_BLOCKLIST System Property: -Dlucee.upload.blocklist Default block list for the tag cffile action="upload". A comma-separated list of extensions that are allowed when uploading files via forms.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_USE_LUCEE_SSL_TRUSTSTORE System Property: -Dlucee.use.lucee.SSL.TrustStore Specifies the file location of the trust store that contains trusted Certificate Authorities (CAs) for SSL/TLS connections in Java applications.

Environment Variable: LUCEE_WEB_CHARSET System Property: -Dlucee.web.charset Default character set for output streams, form-, URL-, and CGI scope variables, and reading/writing the header.

See also