Startup Listeners: Server.cfc and Web.cfc

Startup Listeners - Server.cfc and Web.cfc

Lucee supports two types of startup listeners:

  • Server.cfc: Executes when the Lucee Server starts up. This file is unique to each Lucee instance.
  • Web.cfc: Executes for each web context.


Create a Server.cfc file in the lucee-server\context\context directory.

// lucee-server\context\context\Server.cfc
component {
	public function onServerStart( reload ) {
		if ( !arguments.reload ) {
			systemOutput("------- Server Context started -----", true);
			// This runs when the server starts for the first time.
			// Example: Import a .cfConfig.json setting file
			var config_server = "/www/config/lucee_server_cfConfig.json";
				type: "server",
				data: deserializeJSON(fileRead(config_server)),
				password: "your_lucee_server_admin_password"
		} else {
			// Runs each time the server config is reloaded, such as when an extension is installed or the config is updated
			systemOutput("------- Server Context config reloaded -----", true);
public function onBuild() {
	systemOutput("------- Building Lucee (Docker?) -----", true);


Start the Lucee Server, and the server console should display the above system outputs, indicating that Server.cfc has executed.

Functions in Server.cfc


onServerStart is called when you start Lucee. The reload argument is set to false on the first start, and true when any configuration in the Lucee Administrator is updated or an extension is installed.

onBuild (since Lucee 6.1.1)

onBuild is called when you start Lucee with the environment variable LUCEE_BUILD (or the older variable LUCEE_ENABLE_WARMUP) set to true. You can also use the system property (or -dlucee-enable.warmup). This feature got indroduced in Lucee 6.1.1.


Create a Web.cfc file in the webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\lucee\context\ directory, or in the context webroot.

// webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\lucee\context\Web.cfc
component {
	public function onWebStart( reload ) {
		if ( !arguments.reload ) {
			systemOutput("------- Web Context started -----", true);
			// This runs when the web context starts for the first time.
			// Example: Import a .cfConfig.json setting file
			var config_web = "/www/config/lucee_web_cfConfig.json";
				type: "web",
				data: deserializeJSON(fileRead(config_web)),
				password: "your_lucee_web_context_admin_password"
		} else {
			// Runs each time the web context config is reloaded, such as when an extension is installed or the config is updated
			systemOutput("------- Web Context config reloaded -----", true);

Web.cfc has one function: onWebStart(), with an argument reload that indicates if the web context is a new startup.

Behavior with reload Argument

When reload is true, the web context is reloaded. When reload is false, it indicates a fresh start of the web context.

How to Test

  1. Start your Lucee server.

    • You will see the server context output first, followed by the web context output, indicating that both listeners are triggered by Lucee.
  2. Change a Setting in Web Admin.

    • For example, change Settings -> Charset for the web charset to "UTF-8" in the web admin.
    • After changing the charset, only the web context is reloaded; the server context is not affected.

This feature helps to prevent unnecessary reloading of the server context, ensuring smoother operations.


Watch the detailed video on Lucee Startup Listeners.

See also