onBuild Function in Server.cfc

onBuild Function in Server.cfc (supported since Lucee 6.1.1)

The onBuild function in Server.cfc is designed for executing specific tasks during the build phase of a Lucee server, which is particularly useful in Docker environments. This function allows you to automate various setup tasks that need to be completed when building your Lucee server image.

Understanding Server.cfc

Server.cfc is a component that can be created in the lucee-server\context\context directory. It contains lifecycle event functions that are triggered during the startup of the Lucee server. The onBuild function within this component is called when you start Lucee with specific flags or environment variables indicating a build phase.

When is Server.cfc Triggered?

  • onServerStart: Triggered when the Lucee server starts.
  • onBuild: Triggered during the build phase, particularly useful in Docker environments. Set the environment variable LUCEE_BUILD to true or use the system property -Dlucee.build to activate this function.

Creating the Server.cfc File

To use the onBuild function, create a Server.cfc file in the lucee-server\context\context directory.

// lucee-server\context\context\Server.cfc
component {
	public function onBuild() {
		systemOutput("------- Building Lucee (Docker) -----", true);
		// Example tasks during build
private function validateConfiguration() {
	systemOutput("Validating server configuration...", true);
	// Add validation logic here
private function copyFilesInPlace() {
	systemOutput("Copying necessary files...", true);
	// Add file copying logic here
private function compileSourceCode() {
	systemOutput("Compiling source code...", true);
	// Add source code compilation logic here
private function encryptSourceCode() {
	systemOutput("Encrypting source code...", true);
	// Add source code encryption logic here


Using onBuild with Docker

To leverage the onBuild function in a Docker environment, set the environment variable LUCEE_BUILD to true or use the system property -Dlucee.build.

Dockerfile Example

Here's an example of how you might configure your Dockerfile to use the onBuild function:

FROM lucee/lucee:latest

Copy your Server.cfc into the appropriate directory

COPY Server.cfc /opt/lucee-server/context/context/Server.cfc

Set the environment variable to trigger onBuild


Expose necessary ports


Start Lucee server

COPY supporting/prewarm.sh /usr/local/tomcat/bin/ RUN chmod +x /usr/local/tomcat/bin/prewarm.sh RUN /usr/local/tomcat/bin/prewarm.sh 6.1

You can find the prewarm.sh file here. When the Docker container is built, the onBuild function will execute, performing any tasks you've defined in the function.

See also