query.addColumn() Adds a column to a query and populates its rows with the
contents of a one-dimensional array. Pads query columns,
if necessary, to ensure that all columns have the same number
of rows.
query.addRow() Adds a specified number of empty rows to a query.
query.append() Adds all values of one query to the end of another query. Both queries need to have the same columns.
query.clear() Clears all rows from a query
query.columnArray() return the column names as array
query.columnCount() column count of given query
query.columnData() Returns all the data in a query for a given column
query.columnExists() Determines whether a specific column is present in a query.
query.columnList() return the column names as list
query.currentRow() return the row where the pointer of the query is pointing ATM
query.deleteColumn() removes a row from a query and return removed row as array
query.deleteRow() Deletes the row within a query object. Modifies the original query object
query.each() call the given UDF/Closure with every row (struct) in the query.
query.every() This function calls a given closure/function with every element in a given query and returns true, if all of the closure calls returns true.
query.filter() This function creates a new Query that returns all rows from an query that match the given filter.
query.getCell() return the value of a specific query cell
query.getCellByIndex() return the value of a specific query cell
query.getRow() this function is deprecated, use function QueryRowData instead.
query.insertAt() Adds data (query,struct or array) into query.
query.isEmpty() returns query empty or not
query.keyExists() Determines whether a specific column is present in a query.
query.map() Calls the given closure with every row in the given query.
the function returns a query that contains all values returned by the closure.
query.prepend() Adds all values of one query the begin to another query. Both queries need to have the same columns.
query.recordCount() row count of given query
query.reduce() Iterates over every row of the given query and calls the closure with that row.
This function will reduce the query to a single value and will return this value.
query.renameColumn() Rename a column
query.reverse() reverse the row order of a complete query
query.rowData() Returns a struct with the data from a query for a given row number
query.rowSwap() swaps one row of a query with an other.
query.setCell() Sets a cell to a value. If no row number is specified, the cell on the last row is set.
query.setRow() Adds a row to a query, either by struct or array
query.slice() creates a new query containing a part of the given query
query.some() This function calls a given closure/function with every element in a given query and returns true, if one of the closure calls returns true.
query.sort() Sorts the query based on the column specified and the order criteria given. Modifies the original query object
query.ToStruct() Copy the query columns data to struct by using the columnKey argument