Sorts the query based on the column specified and the order criteria given. Modifies the original query object
query.sort( columnNameOrSortFunc=any, direction=string )
Returns: Query
people = QueryNew( "name,dob,age", "varchar,date,int", [
[ "Susi", CreateDate( 1970, 1, 1 ), 70 ],
[ "Urs" , CreateDate( 1995, 1, 1 ), 40 ],
[ "Fred", CreateDate( 1960, 1, 1 ), 50 ],
[ "Jim" , CreateDate( 1988, 1, 1 ), 30 ]
Dump( var=people, label="people - original query" );
people.sort('name', 'asc');
dump(var=people, label='people - sorted by name');
people2 = people.sort(function(row1, row2){
return compare(arguments.row1.age, arguments.row2.age);
dump(var=people2, label='people - sorted by age');