Defines what happens within a <cfswitch> statement, when none of the <cfcase> statements are true.
Use this tag only within a cfswitch and each cfswitch may only have one cfdefaultcase.
This tag must have a body.
This tag is also supported within <cfscript>
<cfdefaultcase><!--- body ---></cfdefaultcase>
This tag does not use any attributes.
Tag syntax
<cfset expr = 2>
<cfswitch expression="#expr#">
<cfcase value=1>
this is from case 2
<cfcase value=2$3$4 delimiters="$">
this is from case 2
this is from default part
Script syntax
switch(1) {
case 1:
result = 1;
case 0:
result = 0;
result = "defaultCase";
See also
- <cfcase>
- <cfswitch>
- Search Issue Tracker
- Search Lucee Test Cases (good for further, detailed examples)