
call the given UDF/Closure with every value in the array.

array.each( closure=function, parallel=boolean, maxThreads=number )

Returns: Array

Argument Description
function, required

A closure function (UDF) with the following signature:

function(el, idx, arr){}

Which is called for each item in the array.

Where el is the element (or item) of the array, idx is the index position of that element, and arr is a reference to the base array upon which the array.Each function is called.

Alias: function, callback, udf

boolean, optional

execute closures parallel

number, optional

maximum number of threads executed, ignored when argument "parallel" is set to false

Alias: maxThreadCount


Basic Example
aNames = array("Marcus", "Sarah", "Josefine");

aNames.each( function(element) { dump(element); } );

Parallel Example with 3 Threads
start = getTickCount();
a = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i"];
a.each(function(element, index, array) {
    writeOutput("<code>#index#:#element# [#getTickCount()#]</code><br>");
}, true, 3);

writeOutput('Total Time: #(getTickCount()-start)# milliseconds<br>');

See also