Sub Components

Sub Components

Since Lucee 6.0, Lucee allows you to create Sub Components.

These are additional components created in a .cfc after the main component.

Before this was introduced, CFML was limited to requiring every component to be placed in a separate CFC file.

After the main component, simply add as many additional components as you like with the attribute "name" like this:

component {
    function mainTest() {
        return "main";
component name="Sub" {
    function subTest() {
        return "sub";

This is useful when a component needs sub components, like an Address component could have a Person component inside.

Here is an example of how you can address/load these sub components:

cfc = new MyCFC();
echo("main->" & cfc.mainTest());
cfc = new MyCFC$Sub();
echo("sub->" & cfc.subTest());

See also