
Defines table column header, width, alignment, and text. Used only inside a cftable.

This tag cannot have a body.

This tag is also supported within <cfscript>

<cfcol header=string width=number align=string text=string >
Attribute Description
string, required

The text for the column's header.

number, optional

The width of the column in characters (the default is 20). If the length of the data displayed exceeds the width value, the data is truncated to fit.

string, optional

Column alignment, Left, Right, or Center.

string, optional

Double-quote delimited text that determines what displays in the column. The rules for the text attribute are identical to the rules for cfoutput sections; it can consist of a combination of literal text, HTML tags, and query record set field references. You can embed hyperlinks, image references, and input controls in columns.


<cfset data = queryNew("id,name,age", "integer,varchar,integer", [
<cfquery name="qryData" dbtype="query">
    SELECT *
    FROM data
<cftable query="qryData" startRow="1" colSpacing="3"  border=true  HTMLTable colHeaders>
    <cfcol header="<b>Id</b>" align="Left" width="15" text="#id#">
    <cfcol header="<b>Name</b>" align="Left" width="15" text="#name#">
    <cfcol header="<b>Age</b>" align="Left" width="15" text="#age#">

See also