

This document explains how to use a checksum in Lucee.

Many servers provide a checksum for the files they provide for download. We use the checksum to validate a download file in order to avoid a corrupted file.

If you download a file in your application, you can automatically check if the download is valid or not if the necessary info was provided in the response header.

Example 1

http url=_url result="res";
if(res.status_code!=200) throw "wtf";

// store the file localFile="esapi-"; fileWrite(localFile,res.fileContent);

// get a hash dump(fileInfo(localFile)); dump(hash(fileReadBinary(localFile),"md5")); dump(hash(fileReadBinary(localFile),"SHA1"));

// validate file if(!isEmpty(res.responseheader["X-Checksum-MD5"]?:"")) { fi=fileInfo("esapi-"); if(res.responseheader["X-Checksum-MD5"]==fi.checksum) { dump("we have a match!"); } else { fileDelete("esapi-"); dump("something went wrong! give it another try?"); } } </cfscript>

  • Download the jar file by using cfhttp.
  • Dump the file response header. You can see the "X-Checksum-MD5" "X-Checksum-SHA1" keys from the file itself.
  • Save the file, and dump(fileInfo(localFile.checksum)). Check to see if the dump matches the value of the downloaded file response["X-Checksum-MD5"] header.

Checksum values are hashed from the binaryfile itself.


You can validate the checksum as shown below:

// validate file
if(!isEmpty(res.responseheader["X-Checksum-MD5"]?:"")) {
if(res.responseheader["X-Checksum-MD5"]==fi.checksum) {
dump("we have a match!");
else {
dump("something went wrong! give it another try?");

If the checksum is provided, we can check it. However, the checksum may not always be provided. The following example shows how to provide a checksum for all downloads.

Example 2


header name="Content-MD5" value=fi.checksum;
content file="esapi-" type="application/x-zip-compressed";

This code allows a downloading application to check if the download was successful or not. Adding the file with header content "Content-MD5" is not required.

Download the file using the below example code:

// possible MD5 headers
HEADER_NAMES.MD5=["Content-MD5","X-Checksum-MD5"]; // ETag

http url=_url result="res"; if(res.status_code!=200) throw "wtf";

// store the file fileWrite("clone.jar",res.fileContent);

// see if we have one of the MD5 headers checksum={type:"",name:""}; loop label="outer" struct=HEADER_NAMES index="type" item="names" { loop array=names item="name" { if(structKeyExists(res.responseheader,name)) { checksum.type=type;; checksum.value=res.responseheader[name]; break outer; } } } dump(checksum);

// validate file if(!isEmpty( { cs=hash(fileReadBinary("clone.jar"),checksum.type); //dump(checksum); if(checksum.value==cs) { dump("we have a match!"); } else { fileDelete("clone.jar"); dump("something went wrong! give it another try?"); } } </cfscript>

The above code checks and validates the downloaded file.


You can see the details in this video: Checksum

See also