Cache a query for the current request

Cache a Query for the current request

Perhaps you're familiar with the "cachedwithin" attribute of the tag [tag-query], which is normally used as follows:

<cfquery cachedWithin="#createTimeSpan(0,0,0,1)#">
  select * from whatever where whatsoever='#whatsoever#'

This caches the query result for ALL users for one second. This is sometimes used to cache a query for the current request because usually most requests are completed in less than a second.

The problem is that this cache applies to all requests and that's more complicated for Lucee, meaning unnecessary overhead on the system.

Request query caching is a simple solution to this problem. Replace the timespan defined in the "cachedWithin" attribute with the value "request":

<cfquery cachedWithin="request">
  select * from whatever where whatsoever='#whatsoever#'

Then the query is cached for only the current request, independent of how long the request takes!

See also