Starting Tomcat and verifying the installation on Windows


Go to the services applet of the Windows control panel and start the service. Much more cooler is the command line:

net start tomcat8

Congratulations! Your Apache Tomcat is alive. To check if everything is okay, we take a look to the filesystem and the log files.

  1. Tomcat should generate log files in the folder D:\Tomcat\logs
  2. A new folder named Catalina plus sub folders should be present underneath D:\Tomcat\work and D:\Tomcat\conf

Open a browser to access Tomcat's administration interface.

  1. For a local access use this URL: http://localhost:8080
  2. To access the UI from remote, replace localhost with the DNS name or IP-Address of your server. Examples:, http://svlucee01.netfusion.local:8080
  • If you have changed the default port 8080 to something else, then replace 8080 with your chosen port number.
  • Accessing the administration interface from remote will fail, If you didn't open the Windows firewall.

On the right side of the administration interface, a choice of three pages is available:

  1. Server Status: An overview about the health and configuration of Tomcat
  2. Manager App: An overview about the deployed Apps
  3. Host Manager: Tool to manage hosts

To access these pages, you need to login with your previously created account.

Tip: Save this script as a CMD-file to your desktop as a convenient Tomcat restarter:

net stop Tomcat8
ping -n 11
del D:\Tomcat\Logs\*.* /Q
net start Tomcat8