Developer Guides
Some basic examples
Application.cfc / Tag
Lucee comes with a simple framework that let's you control the flow of your application and your environment with a file named "Application.cfc".
- Create an Application.cfc
- Update current Application Context
- Set a Mapping (regular, component and custom tag mapping)
Lucee supports a lot of different cache systems, for example EhCache, Memcached, Infinispan, etc.. and you can use these caches in various scenarios:
- Caching in Lucee (TODO)
- Query Cache (TODO)
- Session Storage (TODO)
- cookbook-cache-list
- cookbook-caches-in-application-cfc
- The Administrator Frontend (TODO)
- Configure Lucee within your Application
Some examples related to Datasources/Queries:
- Datasources
- cookbook-cached-within-request
- Add a new Datasource driver (TODO)
File System
- Configure the Mail Server (TODO)
- Sending Emails
- HTTP Webservices (TODO)
- RESTFul Webservices (TODO)
- Soap/WDDX Webservices (TODO)
- Read and write XML (DOM) (TODO)
- Read XML with a listener Model (SAX) - (TODO:review) - Lucee not only allows to convert a XML file to an Object tree (DOM), it also supports an event driven Model (SAX).